本文选题:《战国策》 切入点:核心词 出处:《华中科技大学》2013年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:战国时代是中国古代重要的历史时期,是奴隶社会和封建社会这两种社会形态交替的时期,其语言属于上古汉语。《战国策》是目前研究战国历史的重要文献,内容丰富,有大量体现该时期时代特色的语言信息,反映了战国时期的语言词汇面貌。我们从核心词入手对《战国策》展开研究,从类型学的角度来看《战国策》词汇的概貌,观察上古汉语词汇系统的发展,探索不同语言之间词义发展的共同规律。我们使用描写与解释相结合、共时和历时相结合、语义场理论、类型学和比较词义法、统计分析、计算机辅助等研究方法对《战国策》中的核心概念进行深入分析,对同一核心概念下的语义成员进行描写,对其发展演变作出解释,同时结合类型学理论,将汉语放进世界语言的范围内来考察,找出不同语言里同一概念所表达的语义之间的联系,从而发现词义发展演变的规律。这项研究可以丰富上古汉语词汇研究的成果,为专书研究提供了新思路。 全文由三部分组成,分为五章。第一部分为绪论,即第一章,分别介绍了研究背景、研究意义、研究目的、《战国策》研究概况、核心词研究概况、研究材料、研究方法和研究步骤。第二部分即第二至第四章,是论文的核心部分,对选自斯瓦德什(M.Swadesh)的《二百词表》的后100词的12个名词进行研究。我们将这12个名词分为亲属词、动物词、身体词三大类,这12个核心词就是12个核心概念。第三部分是结语,总结了《战国策》中的核心词研究,研究表明《战国策》中语义场的结构基本体现了上古汉语语义分割较细的特点,其语言体现了上古汉语的基本特点,以单音词为主,同时带有明显的时代色彩。最后对研究的创新、不足与展望作了说明。 本文主要有以下几个创新点: (1)首次从核心词的角度对《战国策》的语言材料作全面乃至穷尽性的调查,并对其语义场进行系统的整理,对重要词目在汉语中的历时演变做细致的探讨,并辅以各种类型的统计数字说明语言事实和发展趋势。 (2)多种研究方法综合运用。本文将描写与解释相结合、历时与共时相结合、类型学与比较词义相结合、语义场理论,诸多方法综合运用,打破以往较为单一的研究方法,而比较法贯穿全文始终。 (3)首次将类型学的理论引进专书研究,把核心词条目置于世界语言这个大背景中,与其他语言进行比较,找出不同语言里同一概念所表达的语义之间的联系,从而发现词义发展演变的规律,探索其背后人类认知的共同性。
[Abstract]:The warring States period is an important historical period in ancient China, a period when the slave society and the feudal society alternated. The language of the warring States period belongs to the ancient Chinese. The Policy of the warring States period is an important document in the study of the history of the warring States period, with rich contents. There is a large amount of language information that reflects the characteristics of the period, which reflects the language vocabulary of the warring States period. We start with the core words to study the "warring States Policy", and from the perspective of typology, we can see the outline of the "warring States Policy" vocabulary. Observing the development of lexical system in ancient Chinese and exploring the common law of word meaning development among different languages, we use the combination of description and interpretation, synchronic and diachronic, semantic field theory, typology and comparative word meaning method, statistical analysis. The computer-aided research methods deeply analyze the core concepts of the warring States Policy, describe the semantic members under the same core concept, explain its development and evolution, and combine with the typology theory. By putting Chinese into the scope of the world language, we can find out the relationship between the semantics expressed by the same concept in different languages, and thus find out the rules of the development and evolution of word meaning. This study can enrich the achievements of the vocabulary research in ancient Chinese. It provides a new idea for the study of special books. The first part is the introduction, which introduces the background, significance and purpose of the research, the general situation of the "warring States Policy", the research overview of the core words, and the research materials. The second part, chapters 2 to 4, is the core part of the thesis, which studies the 12 nouns of the last 100 words selected from M. Swadesh. we divide the 12 nouns into kinship words. Animal ci, body word three categories, these 12 core words are 12 core concepts. The third part is the conclusion, summed up the "warring States Policy" in the core words, The research shows that the structure of semantic field in warring States Policy basically embodies the characteristics of semantic segmentation in Upper Ancient Chinese, and its language embodies the basic characteristics of Upper Ancient Chinese, mainly monosyllabic words. At the same time, it has obvious color of the times. Finally, the innovation, deficiency and prospect of the research are explained. This article mainly has the following several innovation points:. (1) for the first time, a comprehensive and exhaustive investigation of the language materials of the warring States Policy is made from the angle of the core words, and its semantic field is systematically sorted out, and the diachronic evolution of important words in Chinese is discussed in detail. And with various types of statistics to illustrate the language facts and trends. This paper combines description with interpretation, diachronic with synchronic, typology with comparative meaning, semantic field theory, and many methods. And the comparative method runs through the full text all the time. For the first time, the typology theory was introduced into a special book study, in which the core word entries were placed in the context of the world language, and compared with other languages to find out the relationship between the semantics expressed by the same concept in different languages. In order to discover the evolution of word meaning, explore the common understanding behind it.
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