本文选题:詈骂语 切入点:语义分类 出处:《浙江财经学院》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:本文对《歧路灯》中詈骂语进行了穷尽性搜索,共得詈骂语538例,对其尽可能地进行了全面系统整理分析。首先,对“詈骂语”进行界定:詈骂语又叫詈词、詈语等。它是粗鄙、粗野的词语表达方式或者粗鲁、亵渎的言语表现形式,目的是宣泄使用者的一种强烈感情。接着对《歧路灯》中出现的詈骂语进行语义分类,逐一进行词汇意义和词语理据的辨释考究,并对詈骂语选择的因素及修饰进行简要分析。其次,从詈骂语的功能和文化角度出发,进一步认识到《歧路灯》中詈骂语是一个类别繁多、内涵丰富、功能多样的大家族,在日常生活中对宣泄人们感情,在文学创作中对揭示人物关系,塑造人物形象,在语言价值方面对于研究各个社会时期人们生活、文化等都具有重要的作用。最后,借助工具书进一步挖掘《歧路灯》中詈骂语的语言实用价值,通过在词目未收,义项不全,释义不当,书证偏晚四个方面的阐述论证,把《歧路灯》中的詈骂语与词典编纂结合起来,使詈骂语这种不登大雅之堂的语言也发挥它们应有的价值。 《歧路灯》中有众多形形色色的人物,,李绿园将这些人物的嬉笑怒骂、哀乐喜愁、日常言行写成文章,语言描写又是小说刻画人物形象的重要手段,而詈骂语在《歧路灯》中尤其是人物交际语言中又是浓墨重彩的一笔。“《歧路灯》向我们展示了丰富多彩市民文化的詈骂语。这些詈骂语贯穿在全书中,不仅使人物的形象更加丰满、生动,更加贴近生活,更推动着情节的发展,是这部文学巨著不可分割的重要组成部分。……詈骂语在长期的使用过程中,包含了传统的价值观念、生活方式与思维模式等。不仅生动传神地再现了生活和艺术,而且在一定程度上反映了当时社会的文化。”①由此,我们可以看出《歧路灯》中詈骂语的宝贵语料及文化价值。为此本文对该书的詈骂语力求做到深入全面研究,在进一步挖掘詈骂语语料价值的同时,也期待能为其他研究者贡献一份有价值的参考资料。 本文对《歧路灯》中詈骂语的分类主要从语义方面,借助对小说中人物詈骂语的描写与分析,使我们认识到詈骂语在展现人物形象,凸现角色关系,推动故事情节发展,呈现思想主旨等方面的重大作用。对詈骂语进行研究,不仅有助于我们领略《歧路灯》的语言魅力,而且帮助我们理解这部古典小说中呈现出的社会世俗文化。
[Abstract]:This paper makes an exhaustive search for swearing words in "Lights of the wrong way", and obtains 538 examples of swearing words, and makes a comprehensive and systematic analysis of them as far as possible.First of all, the definition of "swearing words": swearing words also known as swearing words, swearing words, etc.It is a crude, crude way of expressing words or expressions of rude, blasphemous words in order to express a strong feeling of the user.Then it classifies the swearing words appearing in "the Lights of the wrong way", analyzes the lexical meaning and the motivation of the words one by one, and briefly analyzes the factors and modifications of the choice of swearing words.Secondly, from the point of view of the function and culture of swearing, it is further recognized that swearing is a large family with a wide variety of categories, rich connotations, and various functions in "the Lamp of the wrong way", which expresses people's feelings in their daily life.In literary creation, it plays an important role in revealing the relationship between characters, shaping characters' image, and studying people's life and culture in various social periods in terms of language value.Finally, with the help of reference books, we further excavate the practical language value of swearing words in "Lights of the wrong way", through the elaboration and argumentation in the following four aspects: the words are not received, the meanings are incomplete, the interpretations are improper, and the library evidence is late.Combining the swearwords in "the Lamp of the wrong way" with the compilation of dictionaries, the language of swear-curses can also play its due value.There are many different characters in the "Qianlu Lantern". Li Luyuan wrote articles about the characters' frolicking, lamenting and sorrowful, and the language description is also an important means of portraying the characters in the novel.The swearing words are also a heavy stroke in the "Qilu Lamp", especially in the communication language of the characters. "" the "Qilu Lamp" shows us the swearwords of the rich and colorful civic culture.These swearing words run through the book, not only make the characters more full, vivid, more close to life, but also promote the development of plot, which is an integral part of this literary masterpiece.In the long-term use of swearing language, it contains traditional values, life style and mode of thinking.It not only vividly reproduces life and art, but also reflects the culture of the society to a certain extent.Therefore, this paper tries to do a thorough and comprehensive study on the oaths of the book, while further excavating the value of the abusive language corpus, it also expects to contribute a valuable reference material to other researchers.In this paper, the classification of swearwords in Qiluliang is mainly from the semantic aspect, with the help of the description and analysis of the curses of characters in the novel, it makes us realize that swearing is showing the image of the characters, highlighting the role relationship, and promoting the development of the story plot.Presents the main idea and other aspects of the important role.The study of swearing is not only helpful for us to appreciate the language charm of the Lamp of the wrong way, but also helps us to understand the social and secular culture in this classical novel.
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