本文选题:概念整合 + 关联理论 ; 参考:《湖南农业大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The key to successful communication is to be polite, polite, courteous and appropriate.In real life, there are many examples of misunderstanding or disagreement caused by improper use of language.Therefore, how to use language correctly and politely in order to communicate properly and effectively has become a research topic that linguists pay close attention to.Based on the speech politeness in Frog,From the perspective of conceptual integration theory in cognitive linguistics, we construct a speech politeness generation mechanism and a speech politeness understanding mechanism from the perspective of relevance theory in pragmatics.The purpose of this paper is to establish a complete generation-understanding mechanism of speech politeness, to help both sides to use and understand speech politeness correctly, and to make the communication go on successfully.First of all, on the generation of politeness, by analyzing the corpus, the author finds that the social factors that influence the formation of verbal politeness are mainly the relative power of the communicative parties.Then, the author analyzes the generation mechanism of speech politeness from the angle of integrating four concepts.And the following conclusion is drawn: 1) when the speaker only wants to express simple everyday politeness, then he will synthesize two input spaces in a single frame network) when the result of integrating the two input spaces is almost impossible.The speaker will integrate the two input spaces through the framework network.) when the content of an input space contains both positive and derogatory meanings, in order to express politeness,The speaker will integrate two input spaces through a one-way network. When one input space is a hearer and the other input space contains only praise meaning, then the two input spaces are generally integrated in a two-way network.Secondly, this paper mainly analyzes the understanding of politeness from the angle of relevance theory.Relevance theory is an ostensive-inferential process, but from the perspective of hearer, relevance in communication is only a process of reasoning.The author holds that when the addressee receives the message from the speaker, the first step should be to identify the speaker's intention of expressing politeness, and then to make the greatest effort to obtain the best relevance on the basis of cognitive context.However, the process of reasoning is often influenced by individual factors. These four factors are: 1) the difference of pre-existing experience (2) the different evaluation of context and (3) the dynamic variation of intention.Finally, on the basis of generating mechanism and understanding mechanism, the author synthesizes a whole generation-understanding mechanism.Up to now, there is still a lack of research on the mechanism of politeness generation and understanding. The author hopes to draw attention to politeness phenomena and arouse the enthusiasm of scholars on the nature of pragmatic phenomena.Pave the way for future research.
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