发布时间:2018-04-19 16:11
本文选题:汉译 + 《浮士德》 ; 参考:《复旦大学》2013年博士论文
【摘要】:论文以歌德《浮士德》的汉译者为主要研究对象,从翻译学角度探讨汉译者主体性及主体间性,采用以《浮士德》汉译者为中心的点面结合的模式考察了《浮士德》主要汉译者的主体性与主体间性,进而从翻译伦理批评的角度评价总结《浮士德》汉译者主体性与主体间性的整体状况。 论文主要解决如下问题:《浮士德》的汉译者与汉译史情况梳理概述;主客视角下《浮士德》汉译者个体有怎样多元的主体性,译者主体性如何发挥;主体间性视角下《浮士德》汉译者在翻译这个交往的、动态的环境中与其他主体发生何种关系,这些关系如何分类又怎样共同作用;译者主体性、主体间性的关系与翻译伦理的必要性:从翻译伦理角度对《浮士德》汉译应该作何评价。 论文分为七个章节: 第一章概述了国内外《浮士德》汉译研究,指出了研究的不足,进而提出系统的《浮士德》汉译者研究的可能性与必要性。该章简单评介翻译学中主体性与主体间性研究观点,得出此角度对《浮士德》汉译研究范式的启示,并以此探讨研究方法及意义。 第二章介绍了歌德《浮士德》在中国的研究与翻译情况,包括中国的歌德研究、《浮士德》研究和接受,包括《浮士德》汉译者的《浮士德》研究。可以看到,《浮士德》的研究与译介相伴而行,对《浮士德》精神和文学价值的接受与阐释固然是作品译介的催化剂,而《浮士德》的汉语译介亦为作品研究提供了更为肥沃的土壤,作用更为根本,汉译影响着整个作品的接受语境。 第三章分析描述了《浮士德》在中国的汉译脉络和汉译者情况。在此先对《浮士德》(整部/半部)汉译和译者较新的统计予以补充、勘误、甄别;在此基础上,选出真实并全译译本的译者为研究对象,以《浮士德》汉译为红线简单评介译者,之后以变译理论指出非全译亦有其独有的主体性意义。 第四章聚焦《浮士德》汉译者主体性研究。首先讨论翻译学中译者主体性的意义。翻译研究一直关注着译者的作用,尤其在文化转向之后,翻译文学地位得到提升,文化操作意识有所增强,翻译研究的视野也开始从纯粹译本的分析扩展到翻译本质的探讨,其中具有最强主观能动性的译者走向前台,主体性得到更多重视与张扬。以色列学者图里在多元系统里研究译本从选择到接受的全过程,聚焦译者主体,提出了三种翻译规范即初步规范、首要规范和操作规范,本文在此基础上分析概括出译者主体性的三元性:能动性、目的性与创造性,作为分析译者主体性的框架。此后,本文具体分析译者主体性,从原文选择(能动性)、翻译思想及策略(目的性)和成文(创造性)三个角度阐述《浮士德》译者主体性的发挥情况:首先,译者不同的个人特点、经历及社会背景成为译者选择《浮士德》翻译的动因:其次,在文学翻译中译者持有各自的翻译思想或翻译理念,无论郭沫若的“创作论”、杨武能的译者主体关怀,还是其他译者在译作的副文本中表达出的翻译理念(如钱春绮的“亦步亦趋”)都显示了译者主体具有目标指向性的目的性,这种思考本身就是主体性的觉醒,论文对《浮士德》译者的翻译观进行对比归类——钱春绮为代表的严谨派、绿原为代表的形式为内容服务派、郭沫若为代表的创作派;之后论文以《浮士德》开篇Zueignung的几个译本为例,从意义传递、措辞、韵律、副文本等角度分析比较,尽可能考察译者的翻译观的实施状况,然后论文特别关注《浮士德》翻译中尤其体现译者创造性的诗体翻译,选取有代表性的几类诗体考察主要译者的翻译情况,总结得出译者目的性翻译观的实施情况及他们具体翻译中创造性不同角度与层次的发挥,这些又与《浮士德》作者歌德后期的翻译观点不谋而合。 第五章研究《浮士德》汉译者的主体间性情况。译者的这一属性强调了对话与互动,论文通过对翻译过程对话性的探讨展示以译者为中心,参与翻译过程的主体间互动的图景,提出从译者主体间性角度进行探讨的模式。其中,译者间的间性时常为人所忽视,本文称之为译者间互主体性,在主体间性探讨中对其关注并进行分类,译者间互主体性造就了译者群体内部的互动与循环。之后本章第二部分聚焦《浮士德》汉译者的主体间性,分别从译者对作者歌德的主观心理关系(崇拜与赞扬)、译者对作品的移情与共感、操控主体与译者间激励与促成的关系、译者与读者间约束与评价关系、译者间互主体性的角度具体阐述。其中在操控主体与译者关系部分,论文着重探讨了意识形态和赞助人(机构赞助人及个人赞助人)与《浮士德》汉译者的互动,这些操控主体大都为推进《浮士德》汉译创造了大环境;在关于译者与读者的间性关系的讨论中,论文区分了二者间的两种作用方式:1.基于跨文本性观点提出的译者对读者的“译者契约”关系,2.读者对译者的翻译批评,主要包含专家的翻译批评和一般读者的翻译评价,可以看到《浮士德》译者大都注重与读者的“契约”关系,并以此为约束;翻译批评角度,国内的专家批评稍显不足,而普通读者的评价活动却相当踊跃,虽难有统一评价,但可以肯定的是,首先,“哪种译本最好”这类问题的合理性值得质疑;其次,读者与译者的间性关系正面影响了《浮土德》汉译;最后,读者的反应在一定程度是上文对创造性评价的旁证。在前述几种间性关系的对比分析之后,论文特别关注了《浮士德》汉译者互主体性,区别研究了空间(译者个体间的)和历时(译者个体历时和译者整体历时)的两种间性关系,并以此为基础在本节末探讨了译者间互主体性引发的作品重译、复译和再创作。 主体性和主体间性互为补充、互相包含又互为前提,是译者主体不可分割的两面。第六章首先探明了前两章所探讨的《浮士德》汉译者主体性和主体间性的辩证统一关系,指正对主体性和主体间性可能的误解,并总结得出前两章论述的点面结合模式。通过对主体性张力和主体间性作用的探讨,本章自然提升至翻译伦理研究。主体性发挥到一定程度必然经受伦理的拷问。翻译伦理进入二十一世纪以来才逐渐为翻译界所重视,它贯穿翻译的整个过程,重视人的因素的翻译批评越来越多地从这个角度观察问题。论文总结了各种翻译伦理观点,析出最重要的翻译伦理理念:尊重和负责,前者指译者态度,后者代表符合伦理的行为,并采用切斯特曼的五种伦理模式,基于前几章的论述,总结了《浮士德》汉译者翻译伦理的遵守情况。 第七章总结上文,反思译者主体地位的现状,并展望《浮士德》的汉译研究。总的看来,论文在以下几点进行了尝试,或有所创新: 1.在翻译研究领域中关注译者这一核心要素,从主体性和主体间性的角度出发,采取以译者为中心的点面结合的方式,结合对各种翻译理论观念的探讨,力图系统地考察分析《浮士德》在我国的翻译状况; 2.《浮士德》诗体翻译情况的探究,译者与读者之间的“契约”关系、翻译批评的间性关系、显示译者内部互动与循环的译者间互主体性关系,以上四点拓宽了我国《浮士德》翻译研究的考察视野,也是对文学翻译,特别是译者较多、接受面较广的经典文学翻译研究的启示; 3.通过对翻译伦理的考察,丰富了《浮士德》汉译研究的可能性; 4.在国内前人研究工作的基础上,梳理了歌德《浮士德》在我国译介的发展脉络,并作了若干修正和补充。
[Abstract]:The thesis, taking the translator of Goethe "fad" as the main object of study, explores the subjectivity and Intersubjectivity of the translator from the perspective of translatology, and examines the subjectivity and Intersubjectivity of "Fust >" the main translator of the Chinese translator, based on the combination of "Faust > the translator" as the center, and then appraise and sum up the floating scholar from the perspective of ethical criticism of translation. The overall situation of translator's subjectivity and intersubjectivity in Germany.
The thesis mainly solves the following questions: "the translator of the Chinese and the history of Chinese translation": "the subjectivity of the translator and the translator in the subject and the guest perspective, the subjectivity of the translator, and the translator's subjectivity; in the perspective of intersubjectivity, what does the translator of Faust > the translator do with the other subject in the dynamic environment?" The relationship, how these relationships are classified and how they work together; the subjectivity of the translator, the relationship between the intersubjectivity and the necessity of the translation ethics: how to evaluate the translation of Faust and Chinese translation from the perspective of translation ethics.
The thesis is divided into seven chapters.
The first chapter summarizes the research on Chinese and foreign translation of Faust and Chinese translation, points out the shortcomings of the study, and then puts forward the possibility and necessity of the systematic study of the translator and the translator of the Chinese translator. This chapter briefly reviews the perspective of subjectivity and intersubjectivity in translation studies, and draws the inspiration from this angle to the research paradigm of "Faust > Chinese translation", and discusses the research methods. And significance.
The second chapter introduces the research and translation of Goethe "fad" in China, including the Chinese Goethe study, "Fust > research and acceptance", including "Faust", "fash > the translator of the Chinese translator". The Chinese translation of the mediate catalyst, and the Chinese translation of Faust, also provides more fertile soil for the study of the works, and the role of the Chinese translation is more fundamental and the translation of the Chinese language affects the context of the whole work.
The third chapter describes the translation of the Chinese translation and the Chinese translators. First, we supplement the Chinese translation and the new statistics of the Chinese translation and translators. On the basis of this, the translator is selected as the research object, and then the translator is briefly reviewed with the red line of "Faust > Chinese translation" as the red line. It is pointed out that incomplete translation has its own subjectivity in translation theory.
The fourth chapter focuses on the study of the subjectivity of the translator in Faust. First, the significance of the translator's subjectivity in translation is discussed. Translation studies have always focused on the role of the translator. Especially after the cultural turn, the status of translation literature has been promoted, the awareness of cultural operation has been enhanced, and the view of translation studies has also been expanded from the analysis of pure translation to the translation. In essence, the translator who has the strongest subjective initiative goes to the front desk, and the subjectivity gets more attention and publicity. In the pluralistic system, the Israeli scholar tries to study the whole process of the translation from the choice to the acceptance, focusing on the translator's subject, and puts forward three kinds of translation norms, the first step standard, the primary norm and the operation norm. This article is the base of this article. On the basis of the analysis, the three elements of the translator's Subjectivity: initiative, purpose and creativity as the framework for the analysis of the subjectivity of the translator. After that, this article analyzes the translator's Subjectivity from the three angles of the original choice (Initiative), the translation thought and strategy (the purpose) and the writing (creation). First, the translator's different personal characteristics, experience and social background are the reasons for the translator's choice of "Faust" translation. Secondly, in literary translation, the translator holds his own translation thoughts or translation ideas, regardless of Guo Moruo's "creation theory", Yang Wuneng's translator's main concern, or the other translators expressed in the parebook of the translation. The idea of translation, such as Qian Chun Qi's "step by step", shows the objective of the translator's subjectivity, which is the awakening of the subjectivity, and the thesis is classified by the contrast of Faust and the translator's translation view: the rigor of Qian Chun Qi, the form of content service, and Guo Moruo as the representative. As an example of the translation of "Faust" and "Zueignung", the thesis analyzes and compares the translators' translation view from the angles of meaning transfer, wording, rhythm and vice text. Then the thesis pays special attention to the poetic translation of the translator's creativity, especially in the translation of Faust, which is representative of the translator. Several types of poetry examine the translation of the main translators, and conclude the implementation of the translators' view of the purpose of translation and the different perspectives and levels of creativity in their specific translation, which coincide with the later translation views of Gerd, the author of Faust.
The fifth chapter studies the intersubjectivity between the translator and the translator. The translator's attribute emphasizes dialogue and interaction. Through the discussion of the dialogism of the translation process, the thesis shows the translator centered and intersubjective interaction in the process of translation, and puts forward the mode of discussing the intersubjectivity angle between the translator. The second part of this chapter focuses on the subjective psychological relationship between the translator and the translator on Gerd. Worship and praise, the translators' empathy and common sense of the works, the relationship between the manipulative subject and the translator, the relationship between the translator and the translator, the relationship between the translator and the reader and the translator, and the intersubjectivity of the translator. In the part of the relationship between the subject and the translator, the thesis focuses on the ideology and patronage (institutional sponsors and personal sponsorship). With the interaction between "Faust" and the translator of the Chinese translator, most of these manipulative subjects have created a great environment for the translation of "Faust" and Chinese translation. In the discussion of the relationship between the translator and the reader, the paper distinguishes two ways of action among the two: 1. based on the transtranslators' translators' "translators contract" based on the transtextual view, 2. readers are The translator's translation criticism mainly includes the expert's translation criticism and the general reader's translation evaluation. It can be seen that the translator mostly pays attention to the "contract" relationship between the translator and the reader, and takes it as a constraint. The domestic expert criticism is slightly inadequate in the perspective of translation criticism, while the evaluation activities of the ordinary readers are very active, although there is no unified evaluation. But it is certain that, first, the rationality of "which kind of translation is best" is questionable; secondly, the relationship between the reader and the translator has a positive influence on the translation of "floating earth" and "Chinese translation"; finally, the reader's response is a circumstantial evidence of the creative evaluation in a certain degree. Don't pay attention to the intersubjectivity of "Faust" and the translator of the Chinese translators. The difference studies the two relationships between space (the translator's individual) and diachronic (the translator's individual diachronic time and the translator's overall diachronic). On the basis of this, the translation, retranslation and re creation caused by intersubjectivity between the translators are discussed at the end of this section.
In the sixth chapter, the dialectical unity relationship between the subjectivity and Intersubjectivity of the translator and the translator is explored in the first two chapters, and the misunderstanding of the subjectivity and intersubjectivity can be corrected, and the points of the first two chapters are summarized. Through the discussion of the subjective tension and intersubjectivity, this chapter naturally rises to the study of translation ethics. The subjectivity is bound to be subject to ethical torture to a certain extent. Translation ethics has been gradually paid attention to in the translation community since twenty-first Century. It runs through the whole process of translation and attaches great importance to the translation of human factors. Criticism is more and more observed from this point of view. The thesis summarizes various ethical views of translation, and analyzes the most important ethical ideas of Translation: respect and responsibility, the former refers to the attitude of the translator, the latter represents ethical behavior, and the five ethical models of Chesterman, based on the discussion of the previous chapters, and the summary of "Faust > the translator" The compliance of translation ethics.
The seventh chapter summarizes the above text, rethinks the status quo of the translator's main position, and looks forward to the study of the Chinese translation of Faust.
1. in the field of translation studies, the core elements of the translator are concerned. From the perspective of subjectivity and intersubjectivity, the translator - centered approach is adopted and the translation theory is discussed in a systematic way to analyze and analyze the translation of "Faust" in China.
2.< Faust > poetry translation, the "contract" relationship between the translator and the reader, the intersubjectivity of translation criticism, and the intersubjectivity between the translator's internal interaction and the circle of the translator. The above four points broadened the view of the study of "Faust" in China, as well as to literary translation, especially the translators. The Enlightenment of the study of classical literary translation;
3. through the study of translation ethics, enriches the possibility of Translation > < Faust;
4., on the basis of previous studies in China, the development of Goethe Faust in China was reviewed, and some amendments and supplements were made.
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