发布时间:2018-04-22 06:03
本文选题:批评话语分析 + 元功能 ; 参考:《西南财经大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:批评话语分析是基于批评语言学发展起来的一种话语分析手段。批评话语分析中的批评一词最早来源于文学批评。后来批评分析摈弃了文学批评中关于人的情感、作者意图等方面的批评,加入了对于社会、文化环境的批评,形成了批评话语分析。批评语言学最先由Roger Fowler在《语言与控制》一书中提出来的。经过十年的发展,1989年由Norman Fairclough及其同事在《语言与权力》一书中正式提出批评话语分析(Critical Discourse Analysis)这一概念(以下简称CDA)。 CDA是以语言学为基础,以语言分析为手段来揭示语言隐含的意识形态和权力关系。经过16年的发展,批评话语分析在1995年被陈中竺引进中国,开始进入中国学者的视线。最近几年批评话语分析不断被应用到各个领域的文本分析中,包括各类新闻、翻译文本、政府报告等等。 本文主要采用批评话语分析方法对人民币升值报道中隐含的意识形态进行揭示,以期让读者能够意识到意识形态在财经新闻中的存在,从而在阅读过程中能够有效地避免受这些意识形态的影响,最终让读者能够更加客观、准确地理解新闻中包含的真实信息。在本文中,作者以30篇分别选自中美的中国日报、人民日报、新华网、洛杉矶时报、CNN和路透社的英文报道为分析语料,以Fairclough的批评话语分析的分析方法和韩礼德功能语法(Systemic Functional Grammar,以下简称SFG)中的三大元功能思想为理论依据,对所选的中美媒体关于人民币升值这一事件的新闻报道进行研究。 韩礼德元功能理论中的概念功能、人际功能和语篇功能与Fairclough的三大分析维度相结合构成了本文的基本分析框架:及物性系统、情态系统、转换系统、分类系统以及语篇产生的社会文化背景的分析。本文分别采用上述4大分析系统对中美30篇报道进行定性研究,分别得出中美媒体报道中包含意识形态和权力关系的结论;接着采用语言分析和社会文化分析相结合的方法对比分析这30篇报道,从而得出不同国家媒体语言中所透露出的意识形态和隐含的权力控制关系。最后通过分析总结出,中国媒体所采用的温和、回避的报道策略反映出中国集体主义、中庸以及不争霸的意识形态;而美国媒体则采用强硬的、霸权式的口吻来强迫中国政府对人民币进行升值,反映出美国霸权、以及强烈的权力控制的意识形态。通过对这些报道的分析,除了可以让读者意识到中美财经新闻中也有不同的意识形态存在,避免受它们影响之外;同时也可以让读者对中国有一个更加客观的看法,有助于中国在国际上树立一个更加正面的形象。
[Abstract]:Critical discourse analysis is a tool of discourse analysis based on the development of critical linguistics. The term "criticism" in critical discourse analysis originates from literary criticism. Later, the critical analysis rejected the criticism about human emotion and the author's intention in literary criticism, and added the criticism to the social and cultural environment, which formed the critical discourse analysis. Critical linguistics was first proposed by Roger Fowler in language and Control. After ten years of development, the concept of critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) was formally proposed by Norman Fairclough and his colleagues in language and Power in 1989. CDA is based on linguistics and language analysis as a means to reveal the implied ideology and power relationship. After 16 years of development, critical discourse analysis was introduced into China by Chen Zhongzhu in 1995. In recent years, critical discourse analysis has been applied to various fields of text analysis, including news, translated texts, government reports and so on. This paper mainly uses the critical discourse analysis method to reveal the implied ideology in the RMB appreciation report in order to make readers realize the existence of ideology in the financial news. Therefore, it can effectively avoid the influence of these ideologies in the process of reading, and finally enable readers to understand the true information contained in the news more objectively and accurately. In this paper, the author uses 30 articles from China Daily, People's Daily, Xinhuanet, Los Angeles Times, CNN and Reuters to analyze the data. Based on the analysis method of Fairclough's critical discourse and the three metafunctions in Halliday functional Functional Grammars, this paper makes a research on the selected news reports of RMB appreciation in Chinese and American media. The combination of conceptual function, interpersonal function and discourse function with the three analytical dimensions of Fairclough constitutes the basic analytical framework of this thesis: the transitivity system, the modal system, and the transformation system. Classification system and the analysis of the social and cultural background of discourse. This paper uses the above four analysis systems to carry on the qualitative research to the 30 reports of China and the United States, and draws the conclusion that the media reports of China and the United States contain ideology and power relationship respectively; Then the 30 reports are compared and analyzed by the methods of language analysis and sociocultural analysis, and the ideology and implied power control relations revealed in different national media languages are obtained. Finally, it is concluded that the moderate and evasive reporting strategy adopted by the Chinese media reflects the ideology of Chinese collectivism, moderation and non-hegemony, while the US media adopts a tough one. The hegemonic tone to force the Chinese government to appreciate the yuan reflects American hegemony and a strong ideology of power control. Through the analysis of these reports, in addition to making readers aware of the existence of different ideologies in China-US financial and economic news, and avoiding their influence, they can also give readers a more objective view of China. It will help China to establish a more positive image internationally.
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