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发布时间:2018-05-05 08:06

  本文选题:形宾结构 + 轻动词 ; 参考:《山东大学》2013年博士论文

【摘要】:现代汉语中形容词带宾语现象一直是一个学界没有定论的问题。是古汉语用法的残留,还是个别形容词的特例;是形容词活用为动词,还是形容词兼类为动词?……由此引起的问题不仅涉及到带宾形容词的词类句法定性,而且涉及到形容词、动词两大重要实词的搭配关系和功能属性判断。 本文在前辈学者和时贤所作研究的基础上,尝试运用形式句法理论和语料库语言学方法,以《现代汉语词典》所列词条为基础,通过词典分析、内省模拟、问卷调查和语料库查证等“静态与动态”相结合、“功能——心理——句法”相结合的方法,对形容词带宾语现象进行较充分的描写、梳理、分析和考查,并尝试用形式语言学的轻动词理论对古今汉语的形容词带宾语现象给出一个统一的解释。 全文共分八章。 第一章,绪论。提出形容词带宾语现象及与该现象相关的需要探究的问题,并指出对该现象进行定量定性分析和句法语义解释这一目标和该研究对于汉语句法体系的重要性和对外汉语教学的意义。研究内容包括:在系统梳理前人研究基础上,静态分析词典中的形容词,内省其带宾语的可能性,通过问卷分析和语料库查证,以期对该现象做到充分描写,并拟用形式语言学的理论对这一现象进行解释,最后探究影响形容词带宾语现象的内外因素。研究重点包括静态考察、问卷调查、语料库查证和句法解释。研究难点是问卷调查和语料库建设、加工和句法解释。研究方法有动静态结合、历时共时结合、描写与解释结合、定量与定性分析相结合。 第二章,以往研究综述。主要对前人研究进行了梳理、总结。从形容词带宾语后该词的词类归属角度阐述了诸家学说,并对形容词带宾语的各种分类类型和形容词带宾语所进行的量的统计分析及解释进行了梳理。指出前人贡献、不足及研究的方向。 第三章,形容词带宾语现象的静态探究。从词典中逐一找出了各类形容词,考察其属性,再对各类形容词能否带宾语进行内省分析。首先设定内省方法和所考察的语义类型,然后考察单音节形容词和双(多)音节形容词带宾语的情况,内省考察发现单音节形容词、一般双音节形容词性质、状态词和口语形容词、书面语形容词都有部分能够带宾语获得使动义,只有属性词较难进入形宾结构获得使动义。同时发现这些能够带宾语表达使动义的形容词都具有使成性,形容词的这一内在属性使其具有带宾语表示使动义的潜在可能性。 第四章,形容词带宾语可接受度调查。基于内省的初步结果,针对性质形容词、状态形容词、属性形容词和口语形容词、书面语形容词带宾语可接受度进行了问卷调查。调查发现,各类形容词带宾语可接受度存在一定差异。可以推测,形容词带宾语可接受度与形容词本身的结构、形容词所属小类有一定关系。但由于问题本身的复杂性和各种条件等限制,该分析只能给出一个大致的参考,需要更多更详细的考察才可以得出明确的结论。 第五章,语料库中形宾短语的定量分析。介绍了自建3680万字符语料库的选材情况以及抽样1000万字符进行分词、标注词性和校对后的词频统计结果。从语料库中可知,单音性质形容词比双音性质形容词在语料库中表现更活跃,使用频率更高。状态形容词的活跃程度只有性质形容词活跃程度的三分之一。单音节形容词带宾语现象比双音节形容词普遍。状态形容词偶见带宾语用例,这对于传统上人们心中认定的状态形容词不能带宾语提出了质疑。语料库中未发现属性形容词带宾语的用例。 第六章,形宾短语的句法解释。首先介绍了轻动词理论的基本框架,提出了形容词谓语句中存在轻动词“是”(BE/BECOME)的假设。当形容词在句子中表示状态时,轻动词为“是”(BE),当形容词在句子中表示变化时,轻动词为“是”(BECOME)。这一假设把各语言是否允许形容词直接作谓语归结为形容词与显性轻动词还是隐性轻动词“是”(BE/BECOME)相结合的差异。 以此为基础,本文用轻动词理论对出现在语料库中的表示各种语义的形宾短语进行了分析解释。相应地,对于古汉语中形容词带宾语现象也进行了简要的解释。可以发现,各类形宾短语中除了轻动词“是”(BE/BECOME)外,都蕴含着至少一个隐性轻动词,这些轻动词分别是:表使动义轻动词“使”(CAUSE)、表意动义“以”(CONSIDER)、表对动义轻动词“对”(TREAT)、表原因义轻动词“因”(FOR)、表比较义轻动词“比”(THAN)、表存现义的轻动词“有”(EXIST)等。这些轻动词本身没有语音形式,但有强形式特征,吸引下层的核心词上移与其合并,形成表层句式上的形宾结构。同时,该理论同样对古汉语的形宾现象做出了统一解释,汉语从古汉语发展、演变到今天,虽有词汇、结构等变化,但在形容词带宾语这一问题上,没有太大本质区别。 第七章,形容词带宾语的内外因分析。首先探究了影响形宾结构可接受度的内在因素。第一是形容词的摹状性。汉语词汇从古汉语以单音节词为主发展到如今的以双音节为主。在这一双音化过程中,相比于单音节形容词,双音形容词的摹状性增加,所以带宾语可接受度就差,如属性词、状态形容词。而使用频率是形容词摹状性磨损的一个关键因素。使用频率高的形容词,因为摹状性磨损厉害,逐渐向性质形容词漂移,所以,带宾语后可接受度就高。这也解释了为什么语料库中发现少量的状态词、甚至多音节词出现带宾语的现象,因为这些状态词大多是常用词。影响形容词带宾语可接受度的第二个因素是韵律。现代汉语的基本音步是双音节组成的,所以,多音节形容词带宾语不如双音节形容词带宾语可接受度高。这也解释了语料库中只有一个多音节词带宾语,其他带宾形容词都是单音节或双音节形容词这一现象。 接着,笔者对于形宾结构未能大规模使用的外部原因进行了探究,现代汉语中,动结结构的出现、动补式复合词的产生、“化”尾动词的产生、句式结构的复杂化和大量介词的出现、对于表达精细化的要求,使人们更倾向于使用显性轻动词即“使、令、让”等及表示各种语义关系的介词而不是隐性轻动词来表达各种语义关系。 然后,对于形名结构分析为谓宾结构的条件进行了探究,发现形名结构要分析为谓宾结构需要借助其后面的名词性成分、动态助词、趋向动词、自身的重叠形式、对称结构、否定词、情态动词的同现或其他句子或超句子成分等为其进入该位置分析为谓宾结构提高可接受度。究其原因,是因为形容词表示性质、作述谓成分是有标记组配。 同时,笔者也探讨了在形宾现象上汉英语言之间的差异。在句法层面,汉语有隐性轻动词的存在,可以触发作为核心词的形容词向轻动词移位,形成形宾现象;而在英语中,句法层面没有隐性轻动词的存在,只有显性轻动词,所以,不触发移位,也就没有形容词带宾语现象。 最后,对于在形宾结构中的形容词的词性界定,指出本文的观点,即主张“区别对待”说。 第八章,余论。指出了主要贡献和不足之处,并对后期研究提出了展望。 本文创新之处: 第一,本文综合运用了词典描写、内省模拟、问卷调查、语料库查证、句法解释等方法,使静态与动态研究相结合,从功能、形式与心理多角度、多侧面地研究了形容词带宾语现象,在方法上有一定的创新性。 第二,在形式语言学框架下,将轻动词理论应用于解释古代汉语和现代汉语中都存在的形容词带宾语现象,在理论上具有一定的创新性。 第三,自建了3600万字符的获奖文学作品语料库,抽样1000万字符做了分词、标注词性和初步校对,将词频统计结果用于本课题的定量研究,在坚持实证主义研究范式方面有一定创新性。 研究不足之处: 第一,问卷的设计中对比项的选取和形宾搭配的选择不够周密。究其原因,首先因为影响形宾结构可接受性的原因复杂;其次,也是由于设计中个人规约和预测不够。在以后的研究中,应尽量分析充分,将问题拆分细化,使问卷题目更有针对性。 第二,被试人数不足。由于时间和条件限制,被试人数无法太大,仅仅问卷结束后的统计也是一个耗时费力的工程。在后期研究中考虑采用网络调查方式,扩大被试人数。 第三,语料库加工不足。初建库时更多地考虑到语料越多,可获得的有效数据会越多,对加工校对工作量估计不足。抽样1000万字的校对仍属“初校”,只能满足高频区的信度。拟在后期研究中,继续校对完善,使之充分发挥共享资源的作用。 未来展望: 完善和优化现有语料库,使之更好地发挥语言研究资源库的功能。 扩大语料范围,从汉语方言分歧与古汉语的关系出发,可以推测,南方闽粤方言和港台语言,多保留了古代汉语词汇语法的用例,因此今后将形容词带宾语研究语料抽样范围扩大到闽粤方言和港台地区,使本研究向纵深发展。另外,对于双音化造成的功能替代研究也希望能够深入。
[Abstract]:The phenomenon of adjectives with object in modern Chinese has always been an unsettled issue in the academic world. It is the residue of the usage of ancient Chinese or a special case of individual adjectives; is it an adjective used as a verb or an adjective as a verb? The resulting problem involves not only the syntactic quality of the word class with a guest type, but also the adjective. The collocation and functional attribution of two important substantive words.
On the basis of the research of the predecessors and sages, this paper tries to use the formal syntax and corpus linguistics, which is based on the entries listed in the modern Chinese dictionary, and combines the "static and dynamic" with the dictionary analysis, the introspection simulation, the questionnaire survey and the corpus verification, and the combination of "function Psychology - syntax". The method is to describe, analyze and examine the adjectives with the object, and try to use the light verb theory of formal linguistics to give a unified explanation of the adjectives in ancient and modern Chinese with the object.
The full text is divided into eight chapters.
The first chapter, introduction, puts forward the question of the phenomenon of adjectives with object and the need to explore the phenomenon related to the phenomenon, and points out the objective of quantitative qualitative analysis and the interpretation of sentence French, and the significance of the study to the Chinese syntactic system and the significance of the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language. On the basis of the static analysis of the adjectives in the dictionary, the possibility of taking the object in the dictionary is introspection, through the questionnaire analysis and the corpus examination, in order to fully describe the phenomenon, and to explain the phenomenon with the theory of formal linguistics, and finally to explore the internal and external factors affecting the adjectives with the phenomenon of the object. The research focuses on the static investigation, Questionnaire survey, corpus verification and syntactic interpretation. The difficulties are questionnaire survey and corpus construction, processing and syntactic interpretation. The research methods are combined with dynamic and static, diachronic and synchronic, combination of description and interpretation, quantitative and qualitative analysis.
The second chapter is a summary of previous research. The main research has been combed and summarized. From the angle of attribution of the word category after the adjectives take the object, the theories are expounded, and the statistical analysis and interpretation of the various types of adjectives and the amount of adjectives with objects with objects are combed. The contributions, deficiencies and research of the predecessors are pointed out. The direction of the study.
The third chapter, the static exploration of the adjective with object, finds out all kinds of adjectives from the dictionary, examines its attributes, and then analyses whether various adjectives can take the object with the object. First, the introspection method and the semantic type investigated are set, and then the case of the monosyllabic adjectives and the double (multi) syllable adjectives with the object is examined, and the introspection is introspection. The study found that monosyllabic adjectives, general double syllable adjectives, state words and oral adjectives, and written adjectives all have a part of the object that can get the meaning of the object, only the attribute words are more difficult to get into the form of the object structure to get the meaning. This intrinsic attribute gives it the potential possibility to express meaning with object.
In the fourth chapter, the acceptability of adjectives with object is investigated. Based on the preliminary results of introspection, a questionnaire survey is conducted on the acceptability of the adjectives, state adjectives, attribute adjectives and oral adjectives, and the acceptability of the adjectives in written language. It is found that there are certain differences in the acceptability of various adjectives with the object. There is a certain relationship between the acceptability of the object and the structure of adjectives and the small classes of adjectives. However, because of the complexity of the adjectives and the limitations of various conditions, the analysis can only give a general reference, and more detailed investigation is needed to draw a clear conclusion.
The fifth chapter, the quantitative analysis of the form of the object phrase in the corpus, introduces the material selection of the self built 36 million 800 thousand character corpus, and the result of the word frequency statistics after the sampling of 10 million characters and the word character and the proofreading. It is known from the corpus that the monosyllabic adjectives are more active and use more frequently than the double tone character in the corpus. The active degree of state adjectives is only 1/3 of the active degree of adjectives. Single syllable adjectives are more common than double syllable adjectives. State adjectives occasionally take object use cases, which can not be questioned by traditional adjectives. A use case with an object with a word.
The sixth chapter, the syntactic interpretation of the form object phrase. First, it introduces the basic framework of the light verb theory, and puts forward the assumption that there is a light verb "BE/BECOME" in the adjective predicate. When the adjective expresses the state in the sentence, the light verb is "is" (BE). When the adjective expresses the change in the sentence, the light verb is "yes" (BECOME). It is assumed that whether the adjectives in each language are allowed to be used directly as predicates are attributed to the difference between adjectives and the dominant light verb or the implicit light verb "BE/BECOME".
On the basis of this, this article uses the light verb theory to analyze and explain the form of the object phrase that appears in the corpus. Accordingly, a brief explanation of the phenomenon of the adjectives with the object in ancient Chinese is also briefly explained. It can be found that there are at least one of all kinds of form and object phrases, except the "BE/BECOME". These light verbs are: the light verb "CAUSE", "CONSIDER", the light verb "to" (TREAT), the light verb "FOR", the light verb "THAN", the light verb "there" (EXIST), and so on. These light verbs have no language themselves. It has a strong form of form, but it attracts the core words of the lower layer to move up and merge and form the shape and object structure of the surface sentence pattern. At the same time, the theory also makes a unified interpretation of the form and object of ancient Chinese, and the development of Chinese from ancient Chinese to today, although there are changes in vocabulary, structure and so on, but the adjective has the object with the object. Too big a difference.
The seventh chapter is the internal and external analysis of adjectives with object. First, it explores the intrinsic factors that affect the acceptability of the shape and object structure. The first is the description of adjectives. The Chinese vocabulary developed from the monosyllabic word to the present with the double syllable. In this process, the double syllable adjectives and the double adjectives are compared. The shape of object can be increased, so the acceptance is poor, such as attribute words, state adjectives. And the frequency of use is described as a key factor of the word description of wear. The use of high frequency adjectives, because the description of wear badly, gradually to the nature of the adjective drift, so with the object can be accepted the degree is high. It also explains why the corpus It is found that a small amount of state words and even polysyllabic words appear with the object, because most of these words are commonly used. The second factor that affects the acceptability of an adjective is a prosody. The basic step of modern Chinese is a double syllable, so the polysyllable adjective is not better than a double syllable adjective with an object. This is also explained by the fact that only one polysyllabic word with object in corpus is used, and other guest adjectives are monosyllabic or disyllabic adjectives.
Then, the author explores the external reasons of the failure to use the structure of the shape object. In modern Chinese, the appearance of the knot structure, the creation of the verb complement compound, the production of the "chemical" tail verb, the complexity of the sentence structure and the appearance of a large number of Prepositions, make people more inclined to use the dominant light verb for the expression of refinement. That is to say, "make, make, let" and other prepositions that express all kinds of semantic relations, instead of recessive light verbs to express all kinds of semantic relations.
Then, it explores the conditions of the form name structure analysis as the predicate object structure. It is found that the form name structure needs to be analyzed as the predicate object structure with the help of the noun element, the dynamic auxiliary word, the tendency verb, the overlapping form of its own, the symmetry structure, the negative word, the occurrence of the modal verb, the other sentence or the supersentence composition, etc. The reason is that the adjectives express the nature and the predicative components are marked combinations.
At the same time, the author also discusses the differences between the Chinese and English languages on the form of the phenomenon. At the syntactic level, the existence of the hidden light verbs in Chinese can trigger the displacement of the adjectives as the core words to the light verbs and form the form of the form of the object. In English, there is no hidden light verb in the syntactic level, only the dominant light verb, so it does not trigger. There is no adjective with an object.
Finally, for the definition of parts of speech in adjectives, we point out the view of this article, that is, "differential treatment".
The eighth chapter, the remaining theory, points out the main contributions and shortcomings, and puts forward the prospect for the later research.
The innovation of this article is:
First, this paper combines the methods of dictionary description, introspection simulation, questionnaire survey, corpus verification, and syntactic interpretation, which combines static and dynamic research, and studies adjectives with object from function, form and psychological angle.
Second, under the framework of formal linguistics, the theory of light verb is applied to the interpretation of adjectives in both ancient and modern Chinese, which has a certain innovation in theory.
Third, we built a corpus of 36 million character prize winning literary works, sampled 10 million characters to do word segmentation, tagged word character and preliminary proofreading, and applied the result of word frequency statistics to the quantitative research of this subject. It has some innovation in adhering to the positivist research paradigm.
The shortcomings of the study are:
First, the selection of contrast items in the design of the questionnaire and the choice of conformal guest collocation are not very careful. The reason is that the reasons that affect the acceptability of the structure are complicated, and the second is due to the lack of personal statute and prediction in the design. In the future research, we should try to analyze and refine the problems as much as possible, so that the questions of the questionnaire are more accurate. Sex.
Second, the number of the subjects is insufficient. Due to the time and conditions, the number of subjects can not be too large. The statistics after the end of the questionnaire are also a time-consuming and laborious project. In the later study, the network investigation method is considered to expand the number of the subjects.
Third, the processing of corpus is insufficient. The more the data are considered in the initial construction, the more effective data can be obtained, the more the amount of data can be obtained. The proofreading of the processing proofreading is not enough. The proofreading of the 1000 million words is still a "primary school", which can only satisfy the reliability of the high frequency area.
Future prospects:
We should improve and optimize the existing corpora so as to better play the functions of language research resources.
In order to expand the range of the corpus, from the relationship between the Chinese dialects and the ancient Chinese, we can speculate that the southern Fujian, Guangdong and Guangdong dialects and the language of Hong Kong and Taiwan have retained the use cases of the vocabulary grammar of the ancient Chinese. Therefore, this study will be extended to the Fujian Guangdong dialect and the Hong Kong and Taiwan areas in the future. The study of functional substitution caused by sound is also expected to go deep.



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3 曹炎军;英汉两种语言中轻动词对比研究[D];东北师范大学;2008年




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