本文选题:《元刊杂剧三十种》 + 兼语句 ; 参考:《温州大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:《元刊杂剧三十种》(以下简称《杂剧》)中的兼语句可分为致使命令类、情感表达类、助领伴随类、取予类、称封类和存现类六类,不仅数量丰富、句式繁多,而且结构复杂。本文对《杂剧》中的各类兼语句进行了穷尽性的调查和描写,深入分析并归纳了《杂剧》各类兼语句的句法、语义、语用特点,构建了《杂剧》兼语句系统。 在句法上,《杂剧》兼语句呈现出“S+VP1+NP+VP2”模式,VP1根据动词的语义特点可以分为致使命令类、情感表达类、助领伴随类、取予类、称封类和存现类六类,并且这六类的使令度是逐渐递减的。《杂剧》兼语中的S可以出现,也可以省略。S可以是人称代词,表人物的名词,也可以是事物或事件。VP2的使用情况较为复杂,可以是光杆动词,也可以是复杂结构,复杂结构包括述宾结构、状中结构、连谓结构等。NP作为兼任VP1的宾语和VP2主语的特殊成分,既包括具体的人称代词和名词,也包括事物或事件。《杂剧》兼语句还有否定形式、疑问形式和兼语句套叠使用。兼语句的否定形式通常是在VP1的前面加上否定词构成。兼语句的疑问句形式通常在VP1前加疑问词构成。兼语句套叠使用的情况主要出现在致使命令类兼语句中。 在语义上,《杂剧》兼语句语义关系包括两方面,一是主语S同谓语VP1之间的关系,另一是NP同VP2之间的关系。在《杂剧》中,主语S担任的语义角色是施事,NP担任的语义角色既可以是受事,也可以是施事。 在语用上,《杂剧》兼语句具有省略的特点。兼语句的省略主要是主语S省略和NP省略,没有谓语省略的情况。作为兼语句结构的重要组成部分,谓语是不可以省略的。
[Abstract]:The concurrent sentences in "30 kinds of Yuan Zaju" (hereinafter referred to as "Zaju") can be divided into six categories: causative command, emotion expression, auxiliary and accompanying, given, sealed and present, which are not only abundant in quantity, but also in various sentence patterns and complicated in structure. This paper makes an exhaustive investigation and description of all kinds of concurrent sentences in Zaju, analyzes and sums up the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic characteristics of all kinds of concurrent sentences in Zaju, and constructs the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic characteristics of all kinds of concurrent sentences in Zaju. Syntactically, the "S VP1 NP VP2" pattern is presented in the juxtaposition. According to the semantic characteristics of the verbs, it can be divided into six categories: causative command, affective expression, coresultant, given, sealed and existential. And these six categories of order are gradually decreasing. The S in the juxtaposition can appear, or it can be omitted. S can be a personal pronoun, a noun to indicate a person, or a thing or an event. VP2 can be used in a more complex way. It can be a smooth verb or a complex structure. The complex structure includes the object structure, the middle structure, the predicate structure, and so on. NP is the special component of VP1 object and VP2 subject, which includes the specific personal pronouns and nouns. It also includes things or events. Juxtaposition has negative forms, interrogative forms, and concatenation of concurrent statements. The negative form of a concurrent statement is usually formed by adding a negative word before the VP1. The interrogative form of a concurrent sentence is usually composed of interrogative words before VP1. The use of concatenation of concurrent statements mainly occurs in the causative command class and statements. Semantically, the semantic relationship between Zaju and sentence includes two aspects, one is the relationship between the subject S and the predicate VP1, the other is the relationship between NP and VP2. In Zaju, the semantic role of subject S is the semantic role played by NP. Pragmatically, juxtaposition has the feature of ellipsis. The ellipsis of concurrent statements is mainly subject S ellipsis and NP ellipsis, without predicate ellipsis. As an important part of concurrent statement structure, predicates can not be omitted.
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