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  本文选题:《他咳嗽是抽烟抽的》 + 教学设计 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:教学设计是一切教学实践的前期基础工程。它是以提高教学效果为目的的教学系统设计,是日常教学工作的准备阶段。 在对外汉语教学中,综合课是“整个基础汉语教学的骨干课,它要求通过课堂教学,全面掌握汉语语音、语法和词汇方面的知识,提高学生听、说、读、写的言语技能,培养学生的汉语交际能力”(《汉语教程》教材说明)。换句话说,综合课教师承担着字、词、句、语法、文化等多重教学任务,如何将教学内容与教学对象相匹配,如何准备课堂教学,提高留学生学习兴趣,如何实践各种课堂教学技巧是对外汉语教师一直在思考的问题。本文就结合对外汉语教学实际,开展了对外汉语课堂有效教学设计的研究,本文仅以《他咳嗽是抽烟抽的》一课为例进行教学设计,与大家共同探讨,从众多教学法中选取最合适的方法进行讲解和训练,目的是提高学生听、说、读、写等语言技能和语言交际能力。 本文包括四个部分,每个部分的内容如下: 首先是绪论部分,介绍了本文的研究背景,对外汉语教学的理论基础,和前人对中级综合课的研究。并提出了笔者在本次教学设计中的一些创新点。 第1章是中级综合课的设计理念和设计方法,简述了第二语言就学课堂的教学原则和教学技巧。 第2章是《他咳嗽是抽烟抽的》教学设计准备阶段。从课型定位、教材分析、教学内容、教学对象、教学目标、教学重点难点、教学原则、方法等几个方面阐述设计的理念与方法。精心设计每一个教学环节,力求在知识的传授、教法的选择、练习的安排等方面更贴近留学生的学习能力、学习习惯,使对外汉语教学更富实效。 第3章是结语部分。总结了本文的整体教学思路,教学实践心得,和本次设计的教学特色。
[Abstract]:Teaching design is the foundation of all teaching practice. It is the design of teaching system aiming at improving teaching effect and the preparation stage of daily teaching work. In teaching Chinese as a foreign language, the comprehensive course is "the backbone of the whole basic Chinese language teaching. It requires that through classroom teaching, we should master the knowledge of Chinese pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary in an all-round way, and improve students' verbal skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing." Cultivate students' communicative competence in Chinese. In other words, the comprehensive teacher is responsible for many teaching tasks, such as words, sentences, grammar, culture and so on. How to match the teaching contents with the teaching objects, how to prepare for classroom teaching, and how to improve the interest of foreign students in learning. How to practice all kinds of classroom teaching skills is a problem that TCFL teachers have been thinking about all the time. Based on the practice of teaching Chinese as a foreign language (TCFL), this paper studies the effective teaching design of TCFL. This paper takes the lesson "he coughs as a smoker" as an example, and discusses it with all of us. The purpose of this paper is to improve the students' language skills, such as listening, speaking, reading, writing and so on. This paper includes four parts, each of which is as follows: first, the introduction introduces the research background, the theoretical basis of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, and the previous research on the intermediate comprehensive course. At the same time, the author puts forward some innovation points in this teaching design. The first chapter is the design idea and method of the intermediate comprehensive course, which describes the teaching principles and teaching skills of the second language learning class. The second chapter is "he coughs is smoking" the teaching design preparation stage. This paper expounds the concept and method of the design from the following aspects: the orientation of class, the analysis of teaching materials, the teaching content, the teaching object, the teaching goal, the key points and difficulties of teaching, the teaching principles and methods, and so on. Every teaching link is carefully designed in order to make the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language more effective in the aspects of knowledge imparting, teaching method selection, practice arrangement and so on, which are closer to the study ability and study habit of the foreign students, so as to make the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language more effective. Chapter 3 is the conclusion. This article summarizes the overall teaching ideas, teaching experience, and the design of the characteristics of teaching.


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