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发布时间:2018-06-25 00:29

  本文选题:李时珍 + 本草纲目 ; 参考:《中南民族大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:中医典籍是我国宝贵的文化遗产,同时也是我国灿烂辉煌的古代文化中不可或缺的重要组成部分。在浩瀚的医药典籍中论述药品最丰富最全面的当属明代李时珍的《本草纲目》。《本草纲目》共五十二卷,分药品为十六部,共收录药品1800多种(其中新增药品374种),医方10000多种,是李时珍穷尽毕生精力,在继承和总结前人本草学成就的基础上,历时二十七年完成的一部具有世界性影响的医药学巨著。由于该书内容丰富,所引资料广泛,清代医学家赵学敏曾评论它“博及群书,囊括百代”。为了完成这部巨作,李时珍不仅走遍了祖国的山山水水进行实地调查,参阅了大量前人的医书,而且广泛参考了经史百家、方志类书、稗官野史等书籍。该书不仅吸收了历代前人本草著作的精华,还考正了历代前人本草学中的一些错误,补充了前人的不足。 李时珍在《本草纲目》中首开释名项,《本草纲目》范例:“诸品首以释名,正名也”。“释名”,也就是解释各种药品名称的来源。“正名”就是要辨正其名分。他在《本草纲目》一书中,列出能收集到的近2000多种药品,每种药品下通常都会排出正名、释名、集解、辨疑、正误、修制、气味、主治、发明、附方等十个项。《本草纲目》中详解的药品共1633种。李时珍本着科学谨慎的治学态度,经过收集整理,对其中的1033种药品进行了释名。在这些药品的释名项中都分别列出了该药品的其他异名,并极尽可能地详实地对这些药品各名称的含义和得名缘由进行他认为正确的本源的解释。《本草纲目》之释名项不仅具有开创之功,而且为后人留下了大量宝贵的训诂研究材料,是研究训诂的重要著作之一。 李时珍在《本草纲目》释名项中,引用大量书籍,《本草纲目序》引据古今医家书目下说:“时珍今所引,除旧本外,凡二百七十六家”。在引据古今经史百家书目下说:“时珍所引用者,除旧本外,凡四百四十家”,运用多种比较科学的训诂方法,尽可能地对所收录的药品的命名来源做了解释。但李时珍毕竟只是著名的医药学家而非著名的训诂学家,所以在这本书的释名项中或多或少的存在着一些误训的现象。本文从训诂的角度对《本草纲目》所有药品的释名项进行了研究,针对这些误释项进行逐一的分析,比较系统全面地清理出其中的误训项84条,分别从五个类别对误训项进行了分析并对其重新进行了训释。第一类为声训之误。例如李时珍释“腊雪”时说“雪,洗也。”他认为雪和洗是同源词。经考,虽然雪和洗读音相近,但意义并无关联,根据王力先生同源词的条件,我们排除了这两个字之间的同源关系。第二类为形训之误。例如“茜草”条中李时珍说“西草为茜。”他的这种说法是经不住质疑的,西方的这种草名茜草,那么除了西方,其它地方就不长茜草吗?长在其它地方又该叫什么呢?经考,茜草之“茜”是一个形声字,“西”仅是一个表音符号。第三类为义训之误。例如“云母”条中,李时珍给出的命名缘由为“此石乃云之根,故得云母之名。”这是以“母”之义来解释“云母”之得名。事实上云母是一种通常呈假六方或菱形的板状、片状、柱状晶形,因为它的光泽如云彩所以得名为云母,云母像云而非云,李时珍谓之为“云之根”显然是不恰当的。第四类为强拆连绵词。我们知道连绵词都是复音词,是汉语中固有的双音词,它表示的是一个单词,对于用来表示的字皆应视作仅表示音节,是不可以拆开来分别加以解释的。《本草纲目》在“蜘蛛”条下引王安石的说法,认为蜘蛛“设一面之网,触而后诛之知乎诛义者故曰蜘蛛。”这样强拆连绵词分释之的做法是欠妥的。第五类为误解外来词。例如“葡萄”,它是一种水果的名称,源自大宛bā daga(一说为budaw)的音译,又写做蒲桃等。李时珍却根据字义来训释,造成误解是在所难免的。此外,本文还对《本草纲目》释名中的16条名义未解项进行释名。 文章的最后对李时珍《本草纲目》释名项误训的原因进行了分析归纳,并总结出三条结论。第一,李时珍作为一个伟大的医药学家,却不是一个伟大的语言学家。他虽然较科学较精密地使用了许多训诂方法,对药品的命名来源作了深入的分析,但毕竟训诂功底有限,因此在《本草纲目》的释名项中还是不可避免地出现了许多误训的地方。第二,李时珍在给全书药品释名时引用了大量书籍,,据统计,仅释名中,李时珍所引用的书达270余种,但是他对所引之书未加甄别而盲目相信引书。明代私自篡改古籍之风盛行,在这样的大环境下,李时珍不加辨别,以姑妄信之采之的态度引用他书,直接导致他在对药品进行释名时的以讹传讹。第三,名物考证,尤其是动植物命名的考证历来就是公认的难题。《本草纲目》收药近2000种,要对这么多药品名称的来源作出解释,其工作量之大,任务之艰巨可想而知。即便是对一位非常出色的语言文学工作者来说都难免百密一疏,更何况李时珍只是一个医药学者,所以《本草纲目》释名项存在一些误训之处是再所难免的。 总体来说李时珍《本草纲目》中的绝大多数的释名还是有理有据,让人信服的。在探索药品名源上他采用的训诂方法也是比较科学合理的。尽管本释名项中的书一些释名存在这样那样的错误,而且书中有些内容不免与现代的认识不符,甚至有些地方可能具有迷信的色彩,但瑕不掩瑜,《本草纲目》在历史上的贡献是功不可没的。
[Abstract]:The classics of traditional Chinese medicine are the precious cultural heritage of our country. At the same time, it is also an indispensable part of the splendid ancient culture of our country. In the vast medical classics, the most abundant and comprehensive medicine of Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica > < Compendium of Materia Medica >" in Ming Dynasty is the most comprehensive and comprehensive. The medicine is divided into sixteen parts, and a total of more than 1800 medicines are included. There were 374 kinds of new drugs and more than 10000 medical doctors. It was Li Shizhen's entire life and energy. On the basis of inheriting and summarizing the achievements of the predecessors, it took twenty-seven years to complete a great work of medicine with a worldwide influence. Because the book was rich in content and widely cited, the Qing Dynasty medical scientist Zhao Xuemin once commented it "Bo and a group book". In order to complete this great work, in order to complete this great work, Li Shizhen not only visited the mountains and rivers of the motherland to carry on the field investigation, read a large number of previous medical books, but also widely referred to the books of the history of hundreds, the books of the chronicles, the history of the weeds and other books. The book not only absorbed the essence of the previous works of the previous generations, but also took the examination of the previous generations of herbage. Some of the mistakes added to the shortcomings of the predecessors.
Li Shizhen made the first release of the name in Compendium of Materia Medica, < Compendium of Materia Medica > example: "the first name is to explain the name," "the name". "The name" is the source of the name of the various medicines. "The name" is to distinguish its name. In the "Compendium of Materia Medica >", he lists nearly 2000 kinds of drugs that can be collected. Under each kind of drugs, they are usually discharged. Ten items, including ten items, including 1633 kinds of drugs, Li Shizhen, were collected in accordance with scientific and prudent learning attitude, and the other differences of the drugs were listed in the names of these drugs. The definition of the name of these drugs and the origin of the name of these drugs is explained in detail. The interpretation of < Compendium of Materia Medica > is not only a pioneering work, but also a great number of valuable exegesis research materials for the future generations, which is one of the most important works for the study of exegesis.
In the name of "Compendium of Materia Medica >", Li Shizhen quoted a large number of books and "Compendium of Materia Medica preface" quotes from ancient and modern doctors in the bibliography of ancient and modern doctors and said: "the present time is cited, except the old, all two hundred and seventy-six". Under the quotations of ancient and modern history books, "the quotes of the time, except the old, all four hundred and forty", use a variety of comparative scientific exegesis. As far as possible, the source of the named medicine is explained as far as possible. But after all, Li Shizhen is a famous medical scientist, not a famous exega, so there are more or less misinterpretations in the definition of the book. This article studies the interpretation of all medicines "Compendium of Materia Medica >" from the perspective of exegesis. According to the analysis of these erroneous items one by one, 84 false training items were thoroughly cleaned out in the system, and five categories were analyzed and explained again. The first category was the error of sound training. For example, Li Shizhen said "snow and wash" when he explained "La Xue". However, the snow is similar to the pronunciation, but the meaning is not related. According to the conditions of Mr. Wang Li's homologous words, we have excluded the homologous relationship between the two words. The second category is the error of the form training. For example, Li Shizhen in the "alizara" article says "the Western grass is the alizari." In other places, does it not grow in other places? What should we call in other places? After examination, the "Xi" is a phonetic character. "West" is only a phonetic symbol. The third category is the error of moral training. For example, in the "mica" article, Li Shizhen gave the name because "this stone is the root of the cloud, so the name of mica." this is the meaning of "mother". To explain the name of "mica". In fact, mica is a usually false six party or diamond shaped, flaky, columnar crystal. Because its luster is like cloud, it is named mica, and mica is like a cloud rather than a cloud. It is clearly inappropriate for Li Shizhen to be "the root of the cloud". The fourth category is the dismantling word. We know that the continuous words are both polysyllabic words. Word is an inherent double word in Chinese, which means a word. For the words used to express the word, it should be regarded as only a syllable, which can not be explained separately. < Compendium of Materia Medica > in the "spider" article is quoted by Wang Anshi. The fifth kinds of misunderstood words are misunderstood. For example, the fifth types of misunderstood words. For example, "grape", it is a kind of fruit name, originating from the transliteration of B daga (budaw), and writing as a peach. The name is unexplained in the name.
At the end of the article, the reasons for Li Shizhen 's "Compendium of Materia Medica > name" error training were analyzed and summarized, and three conclusions were summed up. First, Li Shizhen was not a great linguist as a great medicine scientist. Analysis, but after all, the text of exegesis is limited, so there are a lot of misplaces in the definition of "Compendium of Materia Medica". Second, Li Shizhen quoted a large number of books when he gave the name of the book. According to statistics, only 270 of the books quoted by Li Shizhen, but he did not discriminate and believe blindly. In such a big environment, Li Shizhen does not discriminate in such a big environment, and cites his book with the attitude of aunting and letter, which directly leads him to erroneous. Third, the examination of the names of animals and plants, especially the names of animals and plants, has always been a recognized difficult problem. < Compendium of Materia Medica > receive nearly 200. 0, to explain the source of so many names of drugs, the amount of work is great and the task is difficult to know. Even to a very excellent language and literary worker, it is unavoidable that Li Shizhen is only a medical scholar, so there are some mistakes in "Compendium of Materia Medica".
In general, most of the interpretation of Li Shizhen < Compendium of Materia Medica > is justified and convincing. The exegesis method he adopted in the exploration of the source of medicine is also scientific and reasonable. Although some of the books in the book of interpretation have such errors, and some of the contents of the book are incompatible with modern knowledge. In some places, it may be superstitious, but it has no flaws, and Compendium of Materia Medica's contribution in history is indispensable.


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