本文选题:项城方言 + 无标记被动句 ; 参考:《浙江财经学院》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:本文的研究以类型学理论为基本的理论背景,,博采描写语言学、语言接触理论和历史比较语言学理论的有关论述,采用邢福义提出的“大三角”普-方-古相结合的方法进行研究,以共时比较为主,以历时比较为辅,力争全面科学的描述方言事实。 本文通过对项城方言中被动句的研究,系统梳理项城方言中的无标记被动句和有标记被动句。首先,分析了项城方言中的无标记被动句的成分构成、功能以及整句的语义特征,旨在寻求表意功能与形式、意义的对应关系。接下来,研究项城方言中的有标记被动句,重点描写了“叫”字句的用法和意义。“叫”在项城方言中作为介词,既可以表示被动义,又可以表示处置义。对于这种兼表被动和处置的“叫”字句,文章探讨了其来源及语法化的路径。“叫”字从“实质性叫请”到“礼节性叫请”的语义泛化是项城方言中的“叫”字句虚化的语义动因,然后被动义和处置义又在不同的句法环境中形成,“叫”的演变脉络有两条:1.叫请义—使役义—容许义(兼语式)—被动义;2.叫请义—使役义—致使义(“把”字句的类推)—处置义。最后,比较分析了项城方言“叫”字句与其他汉语方言中“叫”字句的差异,进而归纳出汉语方言中“叫”字句的类型特点:多功能性、不对称性和辐射性。 综上所述,本文在全面描写项城方言各类被动句的基础上,重点探讨其主要句型“叫”字句。同时把视野投向汉语各方言区中的被动句,从共时的角度探寻被动标记的来源和语法化途径,以期发现一些方言点被动句的个性及其背后蕴含的共性,为汉语被动句的古今演变、方言被动句的南北推移找到一些规律,并进而探讨二者的联系。
[Abstract]:Based on the typology theory, this thesis discusses the theories of descriptive linguistics, language contact theory and historical comparative linguistics. This paper adopts the method of "Great Triangle" popular-square and ancient times proposed by Xing Fuyi to carry on the research, which is mainly on synchronic comparison, supplemented by diachronic comparison, and tries hard to describe the facts of dialects in an all-round and scientific way. By studying the passive sentences in Xiangcheng dialect, this paper systematically combs the unmarked passive sentences and marked passive sentences in Xiangcheng dialect. Firstly, the composition, function and semantic features of the unmarked passive sentence in Xiangcheng dialect are analyzed in order to find the corresponding relationship between the ideographic function and the form and meaning. Next, it studies the marked passive sentence in Xiangcheng dialect, and describes the usage and meaning of the sentence. As a preposition in Xiangcheng dialect, "Na" can express both passive meaning and disposition meaning. This article discusses the origin and grammaticalization of this sentence. The semantic generalization of the word "call" from "substantive call please" to "courtesy call request" is the semantic motivation of "call" sentence in Xiangcheng dialect, and then passive meaning and disposition meaning are formed in different syntactic environments. There are two lines of evolution of "called": 1. Call please righteousness-causative meaning-allowable meaning-passive meaning 2. Call for righteousness-causation-causation (analogy of the word "Ba")-disposition. Finally, the differences between the "name" sentence in Xiangcheng dialect and the "name" sentence in other Chinese dialects are compared and analyzed, and the characteristics of "call" sentence in Chinese dialect are concluded: multifunctional, asymmetric and radiative. On the basis of describing all kinds of passive sentences in Xiangcheng dialect, this paper focuses on its main sentence pattern. At the same time, the author puts his field of vision to the passive sentences in various Chinese dialect areas, and explores the source and grammaticalization of passive markers from a synchronic point of view, in order to find out the individuality of passive sentences in some dialects and the commonness behind them. For the evolution of Chinese passive sentences in ancient and modern times, the author finds out some rules about the evolution of dialects' passive sentences from north to south, and then probes into the relationship between them.
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