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发布时间:2018-07-09 18:59

  本文选题:宋人笔记 + 称谓词语 ; 参考:《山东大学》2013年博士论文

【摘要】:宋代笔记之作繁盛,其内容包罗万象,口语化的程度也较高,是语言研究的有效资料。本文从纷繁的宋人笔记中选取了九部口语化程度较高的作品作为研究对象,主要采取定量统计与逐类分析结合、共时描写与历时比较结合、语言分析与文化阐释结合等综合研究方法,将语料中的称谓词语分为亲属称谓与社会称谓两大类进行系统的分析研究。首先,在认真阅读文本的基础之上,找出其中的全部约1780个称谓词语(此数据不含人名称谓),对它们作出系统而详尽的分类;其次,全面而广泛地考察每类称谓词语的真实面貌,对一些前人研究未完善的词语,分析用法,解释意义,并依据语言事实进行求证;第三,对一些在汉语史各个不同时期有发展变化的称谓词语,将其置于汉语的动态发展史中,考察其在不同时期的发展变化情况;第四,从多角度发掘称谓词语中所蕴涵的历史、文化因素;第五,总结宋人笔记称谓词语研究的贡献以及不足之处。论文共分五章。 第一章:绪论。包括四个部分:汉语称谓词语研究的历史与现状,宋人笔记称谓词语的研究价值,语料的选择及研究方法,称谓词语概念的界定及分类。通过对汉语称谓词语研究的历史与现状进行回顾与总结,发现宋代称谓词语研究是其中的薄弱环节,因而对宋人笔记称谓词语的研究具有重要意义:一方面对近代汉语研究有重要参考意义,另一方面可以填补专书称谓词语研究的空白,对断代称谓词语研究有重要帮助,同时对词典编纂也有一定的参考价值。 第二章:亲属称谓词语。包括四个部分:第一部分,血亲称谓,按照辈分顺序对语料中出现的180多个表示血缘亲属关系的称谓词语进行细致的分析、描写。第二部分,姻系称谓,按照夫族亲属、妻族亲属的顺序对语料中出现的近70个表示婚姻亲属关系的称谓词语进行详尽的分析与描写。第三部分,总称与合称,对语料中出现的各种亲属的总称与合称进行研究。第四部分,宋人笔记亲属称谓的特点及其文化内涵,总结笔记亲属称谓词语的构词特点、使用特点,发掘其中蕴藏的文化内涵。笔记亲属称谓词语特别关注父系血缘关系的远近,男女性别和年龄、辈分的差异,血亲与姻亲的分别,体现出长幼有序、男女有别、内外有别的特点,这是由中国宗法制社会的历史文化背景所决定的,同时,这些差别也从一个侧面反映出宋代社会乃至整个中国社会的历史文化特点,突出表现为:以家庭血缘纽带维系的宗法制度、以“孝悌”为集中体现的社会伦理道德观念、强烈的尊卑有定的等级意识。 第三章与第四章以语义特征为纲,构词特征为目,对语料中出现的社会称谓词语进行详尽、细致的分析描写。 第三章:社会称谓词语(上)。包括三个部分:第一部分,身份社会称谓,包括10个贵族称谓、39个平民称谓、57个文人称谓、5个武人称谓、17个贼盗称谓、8个囚犯称谓、9个隐逸称谓、12个行旅称谓、51个民族称谓、72个宗教徒称谓、184个官吏称谓。第二部分,职业社会称谓,包括33个农牧渔樵猎类职业称谓、95个工人类职业称谓、19个商人类职业称谓、76个兵将称谓、14个医类职业称谓、14个巫师术士类职业称谓、5个乞丐称谓、13个妓女称谓、6个媒妁类职业称谓、16个劳工杂役类职业称谓。第三部分,社会交际关系称谓,包括17个同类关系称谓、23个朋友称谓、7个仇敌称谓、8个邻里称谓、8个同事称谓、46个主仆关系称谓、25个主客关系称谓、28个师生关系称谓、13个上下级关系称谓、5个其他关系称谓。 第四章:社会称谓词语(下)。包括七个部分:第一部分,特征称谓系统,包括17个由身体特征得来的称谓、101个由品行才智得来的称谓、8个由经济状况得来的称谓、34个由居住地域得来的称谓。第二部分,性别称谓系统,包括12个男人称谓、38个女人称谓和4个合称。第三部分,年龄称谓系统,包括19个儿童称谓、6个青少年称谓、33个老人称谓和4个合称。第四部分,帝王称谓系统,包括59个帝王称谓、74个帝王的亲属称谓、47个帝王的近侍护卫人员包括随从护卫人员、宦官、宫女的称谓。第五部分,指代性称谓系统,本文所谓指代性称谓是指在特定语境中即通过对话产生的人际称谓,包括自称、对称、他称、泛称、旁称。“自称”是对话中说话人对自己的称谓,分为第一人称代词、反身代词与谦称。“对称”是说话人对受话人的称谓,分为第二人称代词与尊称。“他称”是对第三者的称谓,主要是第三人称代词。第六部分,总结宋代社会不同阶层的人物命名特点,发掘其文化内涵。此外,对宋代形形色色的人物绰号从认知语言学、语用学、修辞学、文化语言学等多个角度进行分析研究。第七部分,宋人笔记社会称谓词语的特点及其文化内涵。总结了宋人笔记社会称谓词语的构词特点和使用特点,构词特点表现为三个方面,一是以单音称谓词为语素,构成大量的复合称谓词;二是一些构词语素词缀化十分突出;三是借代性称谓词广泛应用。使用特点突出表现为亲属称谓泛化、职官称谓泛化、含有鲜明的褒义或贬义色彩的称谓开始出现泛化的倾向。社会称谓词语更能体现宋代独特的历史文化面貌:“重文轻武”的时代风气,文官掌权的政治体制,外患频仍的民族形势,繁荣发达的商业经济与市民文化,佛道的兴盛与民间宗教的萌芽发展。 第五章:宋人笔记对称谓词语研究的贡献,包括三个部分:第一部分,笔记称谓词语研究的内容,笔记称谓词语研究涉及的内容十分庞杂,包括对前代文献中出现的称谓词语的考辨、对宋代制度称谓、方俗称谓、特有职业称谓的考证与训诂以及对称谓词语中常用语素的训诂等诸多内容。第二部分,笔记称谓词语研究的特点,总结笔记称谓词语研究的特点:引证丰富,考证翔实;追根溯源,考辨清晰;纠正谬误,见解独到。第三部分,宋人笔记称谓词语研究对后代的影响,主要体现在三个大的方面:第一,保存了大量训诂资料;第二,对后代的字典辞书编纂有重要贡献;第三,为其他方面的研究提供了资料。 本文的创新之处有:第一,宋人笔记口语化程度较高,能够在一定程度上反映宋代语言的面貌,本文选取九部有代表性的宋人笔记作语料,研究宋代称谓词语,在语料的选择上具有一定的创新性,可以弥补断代研究中宋代称谓词语研究的不足。第二,着重考察宋代新兴的称谓词语的语义、语用特征,注意历时研究,对其在现代方言中的演变情况进行研究,做成表格。特别是一些前人未加注意的新词,对其产生年代和造词理据,详加考辨,提出己见。第三,注意同一时期其他语料的共时对比研究,注意称谓词语动态发展的研究。 本文的不足之处是:称谓词语与历史文化关系密切,宋人笔记称谓词语具有丰富的文化内涵,但惜本人学力未逮,未能深入开掘;此外,对一些词语词义、语用的演变的考察尚有疏漏之处。
[Abstract]:The writing of notes in the Song Dynasty is flourishing, its content is all inclusive and the degree of spoken language is high. It is an effective material for language research. In this paper, nine works of high degree of spoken language are selected from the numerous notes of the Song Dynasty as the research object, mainly taking quantitative statistics and category by analysis, synchronic description and diachronic comparison, language analysis and In the combination of cultural interpretation and combination, the appellation words in the corpus are divided into two categories: kinship appellations and social appellations. First, on the basis of reading the text carefully, all of the 1780 appellations are found out, which are classified into a systematic and detailed classification. At the same time, a comprehensive and extensive survey of the real features of each category of appellation words is made, and some unperfected words, usage and interpretation are studied by some predecessors. Third, some appellations which have been developed and changed in different periods of Chinese history have been placed in the dynamic development history of Chinese, and they are examined in different ways. The development and change of the period; fourth, excavate the history and cultural factors contained in the appellation words from multiple angles; fifth, sum up the contributions and shortcomings of the study of the title words of the Song Dynasty. The thesis is divided into five chapters.
The first chapter is introduction. It includes four parts: the history and present situation of the study of Chinese appellation terms, the value of the study of the appellation words of the song people, the selection and research methods of the corpus, the definition and classification of the concept of appellation terms. The weak link is of great significance to the study of the appellations of the notes of the Song Dynasty. On the one hand, it has important reference significance to the study of modern Chinese, on the other hand, it can fill in the blank of the study of the appellation terms of the special book, which is of great help to the study of the appellation words of the generation, and also has some reference value to the lexicography of the dictionary.
The second chapter: relative appellation terms, including four parts: the first part, the blood relative appellation, according to the order of the more than 180 words which appear in the corpus to express the kinship relation of blood related appellations in detail, depict. The second part, the appellation of the marriage system, the nearly 70 marriages in the corpus according to the order of the relatives of the husband family and the wife's family. The third part, the general name and the joint name, the general name and the joint name of all kinds of relatives appearing in the corpus. The fourth part, the characteristics and cultural connotations of the relative appellation of the song people, summarize the features of the word formation of the kinship appellations and the characteristics of the use of the relative appellations. Cultural connotations. Note related appellations pay special attention to the distant relationship between paternity, sex and age of men and women, generation differences, and the difference between the consanguinity and the marriage, which embodies the long and young, the male and the female, the internal and external characteristics. This is determined by the historical context of the Chinese legality society. At the same time, these differences are also from one side. It reflects the historical and cultural characteristics of the society of the Song Dynasty and even the whole Chinese society, which is characterized by the patriarchal system maintained by the family ties of blood ties and the social ethical and moral concepts embodied in the "filial piety" and the strong sense of respect and inferiority.
The third chapter and the fourth chapter take the semantic characteristics as the outline, and the word formation characteristics as the object.
The third chapter: social appellation terms (above), including three parts: the first part, the identity social appellation, including 10 aristocratic appellations, 39 civilian appellations, 57 literati appellations, 5 Samurai appellations, 17 thieves appellations, 8 prisoner appellations, 9 recluse appellations, 12 titles, 51 ethnic appellations, 72 appellations, 184 official appellations. The two part, occupational social appellation, including 33 agriculture, animal husbandry and hunting occupational appellations, 95 occupational and human appellations, 19 commercial human titles, 76 appellations, 14 medical occupational appellations, 14 wizard titles, 5 beggars, 13 prostitutes, 6 matchmakers, and 16 labourers. The three part, social communication relation appellation, including 17 similar relation appellations, 23 friend appellations, 7 enemy appellations, 8 neighborhood appellations, 8 colleague appellations, 46 masters and servants relation appellations, 25 main and guest relation appellations, 28 relationship appellations of teachers and students, 13 upper and lower relation appellations, and 5 other relation appellations.
The fourth chapter: the social appellation term (below). It includes seven parts: the first part, the feature appellation system, including 17 appellations by body features, 101 appellations by moral character, 8 appellations from economic conditions, 34 appellations from residential areas, second parts, and sex appellation systems, including 12 men's appellations, 38 A woman name and 4 joint titles. The third part, age appellation system, including 19 child appellations, 6 teen appellations, 33 elderly appellations and 4 titles. Fourth parts, the imperial title system, including 59 imperial titles, 74 kings' kinship appellations, and 47 imperial guards including attendants, eunuchs, and palace women's appellations. The fifth part, refers to the system of appellation, which refers to the interpersonal appellation which is produced by dialogue in a specific context, including self name, symmetry, his name, general name, and side name. "Self call" is the appellation of the speaker to himself in the dialogue, divided into the first person pronouns, the reflexive pronoun and the humility. "Symmetry" is the speaker to the receiver. The appellation is divided into second person pronouns and respectability. "He called" the appellation of the third, mainly the third person pronoun. The sixth part, summarizing the characters of the characters of different social strata in the Song Dynasty and excavating their cultural connotations. In addition, the nicknames of all kinds of characters in the song Dynasty are from the recognition of linguistics, pragmatics, rhetoric, and cultural linguistics. The seventh part, the characteristics and cultural connotations of the social appellations of the Song Dynasty notes, summed up the characteristics of the word formation and the use characteristics of the social appellations in the Song Dynasty notes. The features of the word formation are three aspects, one is the monosyllabic appellation words as the morphemes, a large amount of compound appellation words, and the two are some morpheme words. The suffix is very prominent; three is the widespread application of the metonymy words. The characteristics of the appellation are characterized by the generalization of kinship appellations, the generalization of the title of official titles, the tendency to generalize the appellations with distinct commendatory or derogatory colors. The social appellation words can reflect the unique historical literary features of the Song Dynasty: the era style of "the light martial art of the heavy text", Wen The political system in which officials are in power, the national situation with frequent foreign invasion, prosperous commercial economy and civic culture, the flourishing of Buddhism and Taoism and the development of folk religion.
The fifth chapter: the contribution of the Song Dynasty notes to the study of the appellation terms, including three parts: the first part, the content of the study of the appellation words, the content of the study of the appellation words, including the examination of the appellation words in the previous literature, the title of the song Dynasty, the appellation of the formula, the examination and training of the special occupational appellation. Exegesis and the exegesis of the common morphemes in the appellation words. The second part, the characteristics of the study of the note appellation words, summarizes the characteristics of the study of the notes appellation terms: the rich citation, the detailed textual research, the tracing of the source, the clarity of the examination, the correction of the fallacy, the unique views, the third parts, the influence of the study of the song's notes on the descendants, It is mainly embodied in three major aspects: first, a large number of exegesis materials have been preserved; second, the dictionary compilation of the dictionary has an important contribution to the future generations; third, it provides information for other aspects of research.
The innovation of this article is as follows: first, the colloquial degree of the notes of the song people is high, which can reflect the language of the Song Dynasty to a certain extent. In this paper, nine representative notes of Song people are selected as the language materials to study the appellation words of the Song Dynasty, which can make up for the study of the title words of the Song Dynasty in the study of the Song Dynasty. Second, focus on the study of the semantic, pragmatic features of the new appellations in the Song Dynasty, the diachronic study, the study of its evolution in modern dialects, and a form. Especially, some new words that have not been paid attention to in the previous years, and the reasons for their generation and creation of words, and to put forward their own opinions. Third, pay attention to the rest of the same period. A corpus based study on the dynamic development of appellation words is made.
The inadequacies of this article are: the relation between appellation words and historical culture is closely related, and the title words of the song people are rich in cultural connotations, but they have not been able to dig out deeply. In addition, there are still some omissions in the study of the meaning of words and the evolution of pragmatics.


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4 王梦洁;基于养生理念的居住区景观设计研究[D];中南林业科技大学;2009年

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6 吴sノ,




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