本文选题:桂北平话 + 一级元音 ; 参考:《广西师范大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:在语言学界平话的内部分合、系属及分区还存在较大的争议,对平话的研究主要集中在对单点或多点静态的音系整理上,对桂北平话内部进行横向比较的也多是从共时的语言面貌进行描述,目前还没有人运用实验语音学的方法对桂北平话元音的声学特点进行描绘并进行横向的比较。笔者在前人提供翔实的桂北平话音系和同音字汇的基础上,选取桂北平话8个方言点临桂四塘、六塘、两江、义宁,灵川定江,永福桃城,灌阳观音阁和全州文桥,从一种方言系统的底层元音即一级元音的角度,运用实验语音学方法,以元音格局理论为指导,从元音的分级来考察桂北平话元音的拼合能力的强弱,运用Praat语音软件提取一级元音的共振峰数据,绘制一级元音声学图,以此来看桂北平话8个方言点元音的声学特征,再从相对化归一化之后的元音V值图来考察桂北平话元音格局的特点,以此来看桂北平话内部元音的格局特点的的一致性与差异性,依据各点的元音音位、元音类型、元音格局特点分析方言点之间的亲疏度,对桂北平话8个方言点分片。 文章分为五部分:第一部分是引言部分,介绍文章的选题缘由、已有的对桂北平话的研究、已有的对民族语言(方言)元音的实验研究、元音格局理论的提出及应用范围。确定本文研究的方言点、角度、手段和理论。第二部分对前人发表的8个方言点音系进行整理,运用元音格局的分级理论对韵母进行元音分级,得出了桂北平话四级元音的音位,从分级中看到:同一元音在不同方言点的拼合能力的强弱不同;桂北平话元音拼合能力强弱的排序:/a//o//e//(?)//i//u/。第三部分介绍了本文的实验程序和方法,包括录音人的情况、录音字表的制作、样本量的情况、实验的步骤。 文章最重要的是第四部分和第五部分。第四部分从元音声学图的角度,以元音第一共振峰F1作为纵坐标,对应舌位的高低,元音的第二共振峰F2作为横坐标,对应舌位的前后,绘制元音声学图。8个方言点的一级元音声学图实验表明:桂北平话/y/有央化趋势,在女性中表现尤为明显;/(?)/在男女中的声学位置差异较大,/a/在男的声学图一般表现为央元音的位置,/(?)/在女的声学图一般表现为央偏后元音的位置;/o/略微低化。第五部分从元音V值图来看桂北平话元音格局的特点,并对8个方言点一级元音的9个共有元音进行格局特点的比较,发现桂北平话/e/、/y/在各点的实际读音差异较大,/e/的音值范围在/e/到/E/移动,/y/在临桂四塘、临桂六塘、永福桃城3个方言点中表现为央元音的格局,央化趋势明显;/o/的实际音值是/(?)/。从元音V值图分析了桂北平话是属于六元音型或七元音类型,依据元音类型和音位特征排除了全州文桥属于桂北平话的可能性。最后依据元音音位、元音类型、元音格局的特点,尝试对桂北平话7个点内部分片:首先以音位/(?)/的有无来划分为“/(?)/片”和“非/(?)/片”,“/(?)/片”包括灵川定江、灌阳观音阁,然后在两小片内依据/e/音位的有无,分析片内方言点的亲疏度,分别描述了/e/和/y/的格局特点,从/e/、/y/的格局特点在两片对内一致性与对外差异性支撑了我们分片的结果:(1)“/(?)/片”包括灵川定江、灌阳观音阁、临桂六塘,因为灵川定江、灌阳观音阁都有/e/音位,且/e/处于高元音的格局中,/y/处于前元音的格局中,未央化,而临桂六塘没有/e/音位,/y/表现为央化,所以,“在/(?)/片”又分为灵、灌一小片与临桂六塘一小片。(2)“非/(?)/”片包括临桂四塘、临桂义宁、永福桃城、临桂两江4个方言点,因为四塘、桃城没有/e/音位,有/y/音位,且/y/处于央元音的位置,央化趋势明显,而义宁、两江有/e/音位,且/e/处于中元音的格局中,实际音值为/E/,没有/y/音位,所以,在“非/(?)/片”又分为四塘、桃城与义宁、两江两小片。最后我们根据分片的结果在地图上进行连接勾勒,发现我们所做的分片与地理位置得到了很好的契合,表现为两个独立的三角形区域。在地理位置上也证实了我们分片的合理性,基于合理性,我们依据本文已调查的方言点,预测本次未调查地方的元音格局特点。 文章以元音格局理论为指导,以实验语音学为手段,对桂北平话进行分片,并在地理位置上得到了合理的对应,研究思路和方法值得借鉴。
[Abstract]:There is a great controversy in the internal classification of the dialect in the linguistic circle, and there are still great disputes. The research on the plain dialect is mainly focused on the single point or multi point static tone system. The horizontal comparison of the inner dialect in the northern Guangxi is mostly described from the synchronic language. At present, no one has applied the experimental phonetics to the north of Guangxi. On the basis of the full and accurate phonology and homophone of the Guibei flat dialect, the author selected 8 dialects of the northern Guangxi dialect in Lingui four ponds, six ponds, two rivers, Yining, Yongfu peach, Yongfu peach, Guanyang, and all state bridges, from the bottom vowels of a dialect system. At the angle of the first level vowel, we use the experimental phonetic method, with the theory of vowel pattern as the guidance, to investigate the strength and strength of the combined power of the vowels in the Guibei dialect from the classification of vowels. The Praat phonetic software is used to extract the resonant peak data of the first vowel and draw the first grade vowel acoustic map, so as to see the acoustics of the 8 dialect point vowels in Guibei Ping Dialect. The characteristics of the vowel pattern of the northern Guibei dialect are examined by the V value diagram of the vowels after the normalization and normalization, so as to see the consistency and difference of the pattern characteristics of the inner vowels in the northern dialect of Guangxi. According to the vowel phonemes of each point, the type of vowels and the features of vowels, the degree of intimacy among the dialect points is analyzed, and the 8 dialects in the northern Guangxi dialect are divided.
The article is divided into five parts: the first part is the introduction, which introduces the origin of the topic, the existing research on the dialect of Northern Guangxi, the experimental research on the vowel of the national language (dialect), the proposed and applied scope of the theory of the vowel pattern, the point, the angle, the means and the theory of the study in this paper. The second part has published 8 of the predecessors. With the classification theory of vowel pattern, the vowel classification of vowels is carried out by the classification theory of vowel pattern, and the phoneme of the four level vowel in Gui Beiping's dialect is obtained. It is seen from the classification that the ability of the same vowel in different dialect points is different. The sort of the power of the vowel in the dialect of the northern Guangxi is strong and weak: the /a//o//e// (?) //i//u/. third part This paper introduces the experimental procedures and methods in this paper, including the situation of recording people, the production of recording words, the sample size, and the steps of the experiment.
The most important part of the article is the fourth and fifth parts. The fourth part, from the angle of the vowel acoustic map, takes the first resonance peak F1 of the vowel as the ordinate, corresponding to the height of the tongue and the second resonant peak of the vowel, as the transverse coordinates. The first level vowel acoustics of the vowel acoustic maps of.8 dialects are shown before and after the tongue position, and the experiment of the vowel acoustics shows that: North Guangxi /y/ has a centralization trend, especially in women; / / (?) / in male and female acoustic location difference, /a/ in men's acoustic map is generally expressed as the central vowel position, / (?) / in the female acoustic map is the position of the central vowel, /o/ slightly lower. The fifth part of the vowel vowel pattern from the vowel V figure to look at the vowel pattern of the Guangxi dialect Compared with the 9 common vowels of 8 dialects and first vowels, it is found that the actual pronunciation difference between Gui Beiping / E / y/ at each point is great. The range of /e/'s sound value is from /e/ to /E/, and /y/ is the central vowel in the 3 dialects of Lingui four pond, Lingui six pond and Yongfu Peach City, and the trend of centralization is obvious. The actual sound value of /o/ is / / (?) /. From the vowel V value map analysis of the dialect of Northern Guangxi is six yuan or seven vowel types, according to the vowel type and phoneme characteristics to exclude the possibility of the whole state bridge belongs to northern Guangxi dialect. Finally, according to the features of vowel phoneme, vowel type and vowel pattern, the inner part of the 7 points in the northern Guangxi dialect is tried. First, the phoneme / (?) / or not is divided into "/ (?) / film" and "non / / (?) / film". "/ (?) / film" includes Lingchuan fixed River, Guanyang Guanyin Pavilion, and then in the two small pieces, according to the /e/ phoneme, analyze the intimacy of the dialect points, describe the pattern characteristics of /e/ and /y/ respectively, from the /e/, /y/ pattern characteristics in the internal consistency and the opposite. The external difference supports the results of our segmentation: (1) "/ (?) / film" includes Lingchuan setting River, Guanyang Guanyin Pavilion, Lingui six pond, because Lingchuan fixed River, Guanyang Guanyin has /e/ phoneme, and in the pattern of high vowel, /y/ is in the pattern of the former vowel, and the Lingui six pond has no /e/ phoneme, /y/ is centralization, so, "in / (?) / film is also divided into spirit, filling a small piece with a small piece of Lingui six ponds. (2) "non / (?) /" film includes Lingui four ponds, Lingui Yining, Yongfu Peach City, and Lingui two rivers 4 dialects. Because four ponds, peach city has no /e/ phonemes, /y/ phonemes, and /y/ is in the central vowel, the centralization trend is obvious, and Yining, the two rivers have /e/ phonemes, and /e/ is in the middle vowel. In the pattern, the actual sound value is /E/, there is no /y/ phoneme, so the "non / (?)" / film is divided into four ponds, peach city and Yining, two rivers and two rivers. Finally, we connect the maps on the map according to the results of the partition, and find that the parts we do are well matched with the geographical location, which is shown as two independent triangular areas. The geographical location also confirms the rationality of our segmentation. Based on the rationality, we predict the features of the vowel pattern in the uninvestigated area according to the dialect points that have been investigated in this article.
Guided by the theory of vowel pattern and using experimental phonetics as a means, the paper divides the northern dialect of Northern Guangxi and has a reasonable correspondence in its geographical position. The research ideas and methods should be used for reference.
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