[Abstract]:In modern Chinese spoken Chinese, the Chinese characters have no existing pronunciation, and most of them have been annotated today by the modern Chinese dictionary. The mainland's Chinese Dictionary and Taiwan's Chinese Dictionary are the most important of them. This article takes two books as an example to discuss the arrangement of the differences between the two sides of the strait. The two dictionaries are represented by the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. The two dictionaries are characterized by two major types: one is the difference within the book, the other is the difference between the book and the book, "internal disorder" and "external disorder" are often combined. There are differences between positive and wrong sounds, as well as differences between missounds and missounds, and differences of an equal nature; there are both single and multiple differences; or disambiguities lie in the consonant, or in the vowel, or in the tone, or in the consonant, or in the consonant or vowel. Or in the consonant, in the tone, or in the vowel, in the tone, or in the voice, the rhyme, the tone are all different, all kinds of colors, numerous
【作者单位】: 华中师范大学语言与语言教育研究中心/文学院;
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