[Abstract]:The second person in the two weeks' Jin text said the pronoun "Yes, you are r > (er), and if," five. From the frequency of appearance, "you are" is a high-frequency word, the last three words appear very low frequency. In syntactic function, "Nai" and "Ru" are completely different, that is, "Nai" almost only acts as attributive, while "you" can act as object, subject, concurrent word and almost no attributive. "Nai" was concentrated in the Western Zhou period, and there was little difference in each stage; "you" was also concentrated in the Western Zhou period, but the proportion of the late Western Zhou Dynasty was higher; "r >" (er) Eastern Zhou Dynasty had a higher proportion, and "all" was found in the Eastern Zhou period. Compared with the oracle bone inscriptions of Yin ruins, the second person pronoun system in the two-week Jin script is more complete. On the one hand, "r > (er)" appears, and if "three words", on the other hand, "you, Nai" appear very frequently. Compared with the Book of songs, we can see that the number of pronouns is basically the same, the common pronouns are basically the same, and the syntactic functions of "you" are the same. The main difference is "Nai", which is close to the Shang Shu and quite different from the Book of songs in the two weeks.
【作者单位】: 吉林大学文学院;
【基金】:教育部人文社会科学规划基金项目(编号07JA740014) 吉林大学种子基金项目(编号2010ZZ045)
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