发布时间:2018-07-17 16:06
【摘要】:扶沟县是河南省周口市辖县,扶沟方言属于中原官话漯项片。扶沟方言不仅在语音上和普通话存在较大的差异,在词汇和语法方面也有着独特的研究价值。扶沟方言副词在用法上很有特点,值得我们关注和研究。本文以扶沟县城关镇的方言副词为主要研究对象。根据一般的分类方法,同时结合扶沟方言的实际情况,我们把扶沟方言的副词分为七类:程度副词、范围副词、时间副词、频率副词、情状副词、语气副词和否定副词。在指导思想和研究方法上,本文以邢福义先生提出的“两个三角”理论为指导,在总体调查的基础上,选取典型个案深入考察,以便纵深了解扶沟方言副词的特色。研究过程中,主要通过“小三角”聚焦式考察、“方-普”比较和方言内部比较来显现扶沟方言副词的独特价值。 本文共分为三个大的部分:第一大部分为引言部分;第二大部分为论文的主体部分,包括第一章至第七章的内容;第三大部分为结语部分,包括第八章的内容。 第一部分主要介绍了扶沟县的地理位置、历史沿革、扶沟方言的声韵调,概述了本专题相关的研究成果,同时阐述了本题的研究对象、研究方法、研究意义以及本文的语料来源和体例说明等。 第二部分是本文的主体部分,又分为七个小的部分,详细描写扶沟方言中的七类副词。这七个部分首先总体介绍每大类副词的概况,然后选取典型个案进行聚焦式考察,重点描写了扶沟方言中的程度副词“镇[ts(?)n312]”、“恁[n(?)n312]”、“可1[k‘γ24]”,范围副词“光[kua(?)24]”、“净[t(?)i(?)312]”、“斗1[tou312时间副词“[t(?)ia(?)24]”、“看[k‘an312]”,频率副词“回儿[xuer42]”,情状副词“狠[x(?)n55]”,语气副词“鐶[t(?)i(?)55]”、“紧是[t(?)in55·s(?)]”和否定副词“白[pε42]”、“快[kuai312]”等14个副词,每个副词都从语义涵盖、句法特征、表达效果等多个角度细致描写,这样能够全方位展现扶沟方言常用副词的特征。 第三部分主要就本文考察出的基本结论以及尚待研究的部分问题提出自己的一些看法。限于篇幅,本文主要从共时的层面对方言中的部分副词进行了客观的描写分析,深入的对比研究还有待进一步推进。
[Abstract]:Fugou county is Zhoukou County of Henan Province, Fugou dialect belongs to Zhongyuan Mandarin luoxiang. Fugou dialect not only has great differences between pronunciation and Mandarin, but also has unique research value in vocabulary and grammar. The use of Fugou dialect adverbs is very characteristic. It is worth our attention and research. This article is in Chengguan Town of Fugou county. According to the general classification method and the actual situation of Fugou dialect, we divide the adverbs of Fugou dialect into seven categories: degree adverb, range adverb, time adverb, frequency adverb, modal adverb, modal adverb and negative adverb. In guiding ideology and research methods, this article is based on Mr. Xing Fuyi On the basis of the overall investigation, the "two triangle" theory is given as the guidance. In order to understand the characteristics of the adverbs in Fugou dialect, the special value of the Fugou dialect adverbs is manifested in the comparison of "square and universal" and the internal comparison of dialects.
This article is divided into three major parts: the first part is the introduction part; the second part is the main part of the paper, including the content of the first chapter to the seventh chapter; the third part is the concluding part, including the content of the eighth chapters.
The first part mainly introduces the geographical position of Fugou County, historical evolution, the sound and tone of Fugou dialect, summarizes the related research results of this topic, and expounds the object of research, research methods, research significance, and the source and body description of this article.
The second part is the main part of this article, and it is divided into seven small parts, detailed description of the seven types of adverbs in Fugou dialect. The seven parts first introduce the general situation of each major adverb, then select the typical case to focus on the investigation, and focus on the degree adverb in Fugou dialect, "town [ts (?) n312]", "so [n (?) n312]", "1[k 'gamma 24]", the range adverb "light [kua (?) 24]", "net [t (?) I (?) 312]", "[t (?) IA (?) 24]", "see [k" ia ", the frequency adverb" back child ", the modal adverb" ruthless ", the tone adverb,"? "", "fast [kuai312]" and other 14 adverbs, each adverb from the semantic cover, syntactic features, expression effects and so on many angles and meticulous description, so that it can fully display the characteristics of the Fugou dialect adverbs.
The third part is mainly about the basic conclusions of this article and some of the questions that have yet to be studied. Limited to the length, this article mainly describes and analyzes some adverbs in dialects from the synchronic layer, and the in-depth comparative study is still to be advanced.
[Abstract]:Fugou county is Zhoukou County of Henan Province, Fugou dialect belongs to Zhongyuan Mandarin luoxiang. Fugou dialect not only has great differences between pronunciation and Mandarin, but also has unique research value in vocabulary and grammar. The use of Fugou dialect adverbs is very characteristic. It is worth our attention and research. This article is in Chengguan Town of Fugou county. According to the general classification method and the actual situation of Fugou dialect, we divide the adverbs of Fugou dialect into seven categories: degree adverb, range adverb, time adverb, frequency adverb, modal adverb, modal adverb and negative adverb. In guiding ideology and research methods, this article is based on Mr. Xing Fuyi On the basis of the overall investigation, the "two triangle" theory is given as the guidance. In order to understand the characteristics of the adverbs in Fugou dialect, the special value of the Fugou dialect adverbs is manifested in the comparison of "square and universal" and the internal comparison of dialects.
This article is divided into three major parts: the first part is the introduction part; the second part is the main part of the paper, including the content of the first chapter to the seventh chapter; the third part is the concluding part, including the content of the eighth chapters.
The first part mainly introduces the geographical position of Fugou County, historical evolution, the sound and tone of Fugou dialect, summarizes the related research results of this topic, and expounds the object of research, research methods, research significance, and the source and body description of this article.
The second part is the main part of this article, and it is divided into seven small parts, detailed description of the seven types of adverbs in Fugou dialect. The seven parts first introduce the general situation of each major adverb, then select the typical case to focus on the investigation, and focus on the degree adverb in Fugou dialect, "town [ts (?) n312]", "so [n (?) n312]", "1[k 'gamma 24]", the range adverb "light [kua (?) 24]", "net [t (?) I (?) 312]", "[t (?) IA (?) 24]", "see [k" ia ", the frequency adverb" back child ", the modal adverb" ruthless ", the tone adverb,"? "", "fast [kuai312]" and other 14 adverbs, each adverb from the semantic cover, syntactic features, expression effects and so on many angles and meticulous description, so that it can fully display the characteristics of the Fugou dialect adverbs.
The third part is mainly about the basic conclusions of this article and some of the questions that have yet to be studied. Limited to the length, this article mainly describes and analyzes some adverbs in dialects from the synchronic layer, and the in-depth comparative study is still to be advanced.
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