[Abstract]:In Chinese we can ask "who do you like to write the book", but in English, there is no corresponding expression in a language that needs explicit movement to form a question sentence. If the LF derived from the question in Chinese is for which xxxperson, and as people have always believed that LF is common to the human language, why can't we deduce from English the LF that Chinese can deduce? Based on the observation of the "LF deletion" phenomenon which exists in some languages but not in others, this paper proves that LF is not simply considered to be common to human languages. The reason of "LF deletion" in language 伪 is that LF derived from language 尾 has no derivation source in language 伪, and whether the derivation source of a LF expression exists depends on the specific type of language. Finally, it is concluded that LF is not common to human language.
【作者单位】: 天津师范大学;
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