发布时间:2018-07-20 15:38
【摘要】:汉语作为国际交际语言中的重要语种,随着我国国际地位和国际影响力的提升,正逐步深入到众多国家的语言教学之中。汉语中蕴含着博大精深的文化,因此吸引着越来越多的国外人士学习并研究汉语,也有越来越多的中国人投入到汉语的教学与培训工作之中。汉语作为第二语言的教学,不仅是为了让外国朋友了解、学习汉语,运用到日常的生活之中,更重要的是在教学的过程中能够让他们把握住汉语的精髓,真正体会到汉语中的魅力,而不只是停留在简单语言运用的基础层面。修辞作为汉语中常见的表现形式,能够大幅度地提升汉语的表达效果,有效地传递说话人的话语信息,从而实现双方交际的结果。比喻修辞是修辞中使用最为普遍的一种辞格,在表达情感以及说明事理方面都有很广泛的应用。因此比喻修辞也成为了教授留学生学习汉语的一个重要的方面,然而留学生在学习和使用比喻修辞的过程中会因为种种原因出现一些偏误问题,而且留学生出现的这种偏误问题带有一定的国别化性质。所以本文通过对韩国留学生在汉语比喻修辞的学习和使用过程中出现的偏误进行研究,希望能够为对外汉语的修辞教学做出一份贡献。 本文主要分为五个章节。 第一章“绪论”。本章节主要阐述研究的缘由、意义,介绍关于对外汉语修辞研究以及汉语比喻本体研究的背景和现状。此外本章节还简要的阐述了本文研究的内容、思路与方法,以及偏误分析的理论,起到统领全文的作用。 第二章“韩国留学生汉语比喻句使用情况分析”,根据韩国留学生汉语比喻句的具体使用情况,归纳偏误类型,并列举出相关语料,最后统计出各种偏误类型的出现频率。 第三章“韩国留学生汉语比喻句偏误形成原因”。针对以上总结的偏误类型,本章节从学习者自身因素和外部影响因素这两大方面对各类偏误类型产生的原因进行具体的分析。 第四章“韩国留学生汉语比喻句偏误分析的教学应用”。针对以上韩国留学生在汉语比喻句使用过程中出现的偏误问题以及原因分析,本章节提出了具体的建议,一方面是对教师在教学策略方面的建议,另一方面是对学生学习策略方面的一些建议,,并且结合教学实践案例进行展示和说明。 第五章“结语”。本文通过对韩国留学生汉语比喻句使用过程中偏误问题进行分类归纳、原因分析,从而对教学实践具有了一定的指导意义。结尾指出本文的不足之处和需要进一步改进的拓展空间。
[Abstract]:As an important language in the international communication language , Chinese as an important language in the international communication language is gradually reaching into the language teaching of many countries . As a common expression in Chinese , there are more and more Chinese people in the teaching and training of Chinese .
This paper is divided into five chapters .
Chapter 1 is Introduction . This chapter mainly elaborates the origin and significance of the study , introduces the background and present situation of the study of Chinese rhetoric and the research of Chinese metaphor ontology .
In chapter 2 , " Analysis on the Use of Chinese Words in Korean Overseas Students " , according to the specific usage of Chinese language examples in Korean overseas students , summarizes the types of bias , lists the relevant corpus , and finally counts the frequency of occurrence of various types of errors .
In chapter 3 , the reasons for the bias of Chinese language in Korean students are analyzed . For the types of bias summarized above , this chapter makes a concrete analysis of the causes of various types of errors in the two aspects of learner ' s own factors and external factors .
In chapter 4 , " The application of Chinese language teaching in Korean overseas students " . This chapter puts forward some concrete suggestions , on the one hand , some suggestions on the teachers ' teaching strategies , on the other hand , some suggestions on the students ' learning strategies , as well as the presentation and explanation of the teaching practice cases .
In the fifth chapter , the author classifies and sums up the errors in the use of Chinese language sentences in Korean overseas students , and analyzes the reasons , so as to guide the teaching practice . At the end , we point out the shortcomings of this paper and the need to further improve the expansion space .
[Abstract]:As an important language in the international communication language , Chinese as an important language in the international communication language is gradually reaching into the language teaching of many countries . As a common expression in Chinese , there are more and more Chinese people in the teaching and training of Chinese .
This paper is divided into five chapters .
Chapter 1 is Introduction . This chapter mainly elaborates the origin and significance of the study , introduces the background and present situation of the study of Chinese rhetoric and the research of Chinese metaphor ontology .
In chapter 2 , " Analysis on the Use of Chinese Words in Korean Overseas Students " , according to the specific usage of Chinese language examples in Korean overseas students , summarizes the types of bias , lists the relevant corpus , and finally counts the frequency of occurrence of various types of errors .
In chapter 3 , the reasons for the bias of Chinese language in Korean students are analyzed . For the types of bias summarized above , this chapter makes a concrete analysis of the causes of various types of errors in the two aspects of learner ' s own factors and external factors .
In chapter 4 , " The application of Chinese language teaching in Korean overseas students " . This chapter puts forward some concrete suggestions , on the one hand , some suggestions on the teachers ' teaching strategies , on the other hand , some suggestions on the students ' learning strategies , as well as the presentation and explanation of the teaching practice cases .
In the fifth chapter , the author classifies and sums up the errors in the use of Chinese language sentences in Korean overseas students , and analyzes the reasons , so as to guide the teaching practice . At the end , we point out the shortcomings of this paper and the need to further improve the expansion space .
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