[Abstract]:In order to establish an analytical framework for the comprehensive description and deep explanation of homophonic rhetoric, this paper examines the psychological and linguistic mechanisms of rhetorical phenomena. For the former, we establish the concepts of the main process and the excited process, and the homophonic phenomenon occurs in the relationship between the two processes. Then, by introducing the concepts of time-sharing processing and parallel processing, it is pointed out that parallel processing leads to the formation of homophonic constructions. For the latter, on the basis of the development of homonym and the relation between the proximal sound and the phonetic connection, the main process in the homophonic phenomenon is further described as the bidirectional activation mechanism of a speech, and the two basic elements of the homophonic construction are the main elements of the homophonic structure. The generation process and basic properties of the excitatory term are explained in the operation of this mechanism. In order to analyze which of all the possibilities provided by phonetic linkage for bidirectional activation mechanism is the easiest to be activated, this paper introduces the concept of accessibility, and points out the limitation of accessibility in the mechanism of phonetic stimulation. This paper investigates the psychological and linguistic mechanisms of homophonic phenomena in order to find a theoretical basis for the further understanding of the semantic nature and formal characteristics of homophonic constructions.
【作者单位】: 复旦大学中文系;
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