[Abstract]:Place names are the linguistic symbols conventionally adopted by certain social groups in a particular region. The study of place names from the linguistic and cultural perspectives has become an important topic in linguistic studies. Place names, as cultural carriers, contain rich cultural connotations behind their fixed linguistic forms.
This paper takes the roads and alleys in Jiujiang city, the villages and towns at all levels and the natural and human geographical entities under their jurisdiction as the research objects. On the basis of previous studies on Jiujiang city place names and Jiujiang dialect, this paper first studies the phonetic features, lexical features and the use of rhetoric of Jiujiang city place names from three aspects: the phonetic features, the lexical features and the use of figures of speech. The unique linguistic features of Jiujiang place names are as follows: Jiujiang city place names not only follow the general phonetic characteristics of modern Chinese, but also have a large opening, only the dialectal features of Shushengyun tail, the use of quantifiers and reverse words is also a major feature of Jiujiang city place names; then combined with the relevant theories of toponymy and cultural linguistics, the use of Tongtong. Based on the research method of calculation and analysis, this paper classifies and analyzes the place names of Jiujiang City, and obtains the five reasons for the place names of Jiujiang City. Finally, it further expounds the six cultural connotations behind the place names of Jiujiang City, so that people have a profound understanding of the place names of Jiujiang City.
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