[Abstract]:Based on the conclusion of HisaoGibson (2003) in "the processing of Chinese relative clauses", that is, the subject relation structure is more difficult to acquire than the object relation structure, this paper adopts the method of drawing induced answer. Two hundred and two children aged 3 to 7 were analyzed for their understanding of the relationship structure, and they were divided into four groups according to their natural age, answering six different test questions, observing the statistics, and looking at the results of the statistics. We can find that in Chinese relation structure, whether it is simple relation structure or complex nested relation structure, object relation structure has higher accuracy than subject relation structure, that is, in Chinese, the object relation structure is more accurate than the subject relation structure, that is to say, in Chinese, the object relation structure is more accurate than the subject relation structure. The object relation structure is easier to grasp than the subject relation structure, which coincides with the conclusion of Hisao and Gibson in the processing of Chinese relation structure.
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