[Abstract]:In recent years, the upsurge of learning Chinese is constantly rising, with the development of the cause of Chinese as a foreign language, textbooks for Chinese as a foreign language are springing up. In the face of a large number of textbooks, researchers are also increasing the research on teaching materials. Through the in-depth study of textbooks, we find that illustrations in textbooks gradually enter into people's eyes, and its role is constantly prominent. The illustrations are not only the embellishment of the textbooks, but also the auxiliary tools of the learners. It is an indispensable part of the textbooks. In order to play a better role in teaching materials, we think it is necessary to study the illustrations. This paper is divided into four parts. The introduction discusses the definition of illustrations, the study of illustrations, the research object, significance and methods. The main content of the first chapter is to analyze the function of illustrations and to classify the illustrations of textbooks. The author expounds the function of textbook illustrations from three aspects: psychology, pedagogy and textbook compiling principles. The classification of illustrations in textbooks is carried out from the following three angles: according to the style of teaching materials, according to the form of illustrations and according to the function of illustrations. The second chapter is the statistics of the illustrations in the four sets of textbooks, such as New practical Chinese textbooks, Chinese tutorials, Chinese at different levels, and Development Chinese, and analyzes the present situation of the illustrations in these four sets of textbooks. In terms of quantity, the author counts the total number of illustrations in the four sets of textbooks, the volume of illustrations in fascicles and the amount of illustrations after classification. In terms of composition, the author analyzes the elements of the four sets of illustrations and their correlation. Through the statistics and analysis of the quantity and constituent elements, the author summarizes the characteristics of the four sets of textbook illustrations. In the third chapter, the author points out the gains and losses of the four sets of textbooks, and puts forward some suggestions. The author affirms the advantages of the four sets of illustrations, and at the same time puts forward some shortcomings: (1) the picture quality is rough and the picture is not clear; (2) the graphic meaning is not clear; (3) the illustrations are old and old; (4) the illustrations are not elegant. From the perspective of illustration function: (1) the location of illustrations is improper; (2) the illustration is not closely related to the text; (3) the illustration is not related to the text; (4) the number of illustrations is improper. In view of the shortcomings of the four sets of textbooks, the author puts forward some suggestions: from the classification of illustrations, the author puts forward some suggestions for the configuration of illustrations, illustrations for illustrations and illustrations for the functions of illustrations. This paper analyzes the illustrations of four sets of textbooks such as New practical Chinese textbook, understands the present situation of illustration allocation of these four sets of textbooks, finds out the gains and losses, and puts forward some relevant suggestions for the deficiency of illustration allocation.
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