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发布时间:2018-09-04 07:26
[Abstract]:Causality is not only a mode of thinking of human beings, but also one of the cornerstones of the representation of human knowledge. It is also the underlying basis of other mental activities such as prediction, interpretation, understanding and so on. Therefore, the study of causality comes from many fields, such as philosophy, logic, linguistics and so on. The development of neurolinguistics has opened up a new direction for the study of causality. Causality is universal and diverse, and its linguistic expressions form a variety of causation sentences. Liao Qiaoyun (2004) divided the causal sentence into logical causality sentence and factual causality sentence according to whether the relationship between cause and effect accords with rational logic. The present study attempts to explore the gender differences between male and female in processing the above Chinese causality sentences by means of event-related potential technique (ERPs),). Although gender differences in language processing are discussed in behavioral experiments, it is rare to study the topic from the perspective of electrophysiology and use different types of Chinese causality sentences as experimental materials. This study was carried out in the Cognitive Neurology Laboratory of Foreign language Learning of Sichuan Foreign Studies University. The experimental materials were divided into Chinese logical causality sentence, Chinese factual causality sentence and filled sentence with Chinese college students as subjects. The experiment was designed with 2 #215t2. The subjects were asked to judge the acceptable degree of the sentence after the sentence was presented. The experimental control program was written with E-prime2.0 software. EEG data were collected and recorded by Neuroscan4.5, then the EEG data were analyzed off-line and input into SPSS16.0 software for statistical analysis. The conclusions are as follows: (1) Men pay more attention to processing Chinese logical causality than women. In the early time window from 50ms to 150ms, the gender effect of male and female processing Chinese logical causality sentence was significant: male caused more negative N100 than female (M male -4.37 渭 VN M female = -1.50 渭 v) -3.82% p0. 0030.05). Previous studies have found that N100 reflects the allocation of attention resources for early processing. In the time window from 150ms to 350ms and from 350ms to 1100ms, the effect of male and female interpretation on processing Chinese logical causality is not significant. (2) Men pay more attention to processing Chinese causality than women. In the early time window from 50ms to 150ms, the gender effect of causality in interpretation processing in male and female was significant: N100 was more negative in male than in female (M male = 4.60 渭 v / L, M female = -1.29 渭 v / t ~ (-4.34) / p ~ (0.0010.05). However, in the time window from 150ms to 350ms and 350ms to 1100ms, the effect of male and female interpretation and processing of Chinese causality is not significant. (3) Chinese logical causality and Chinese factual causality are in the scalp frontal region of male and female. The amplitude of brain waves induced by central region and temporal region is similar. There was no significant difference in the early components between the two types of causality sentences in men, but in the late 350ms to 1100ms time window, the Chinese causality sentences caused the amplitude of correction direction compared with the Chinese logical causality sentences. Similarly, in women, the Chinese causality sentence is more likely than the Chinese logical causality sentence to trigger the amplitude of correction in the late 350ms to 1100ms time window. In a word, in any gender, Chinese causality requires more neural activity and cognitive resources than Chinese logical causality in the later stage of interpretation.


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