[Abstract]:Compound words, consisting of two or more morphemes, are common morphological phenomena in some languages, such as Chinese and English. Compared with the study on the acquisition of zigzag words and derivative words, the study of compound word acquisition is less, especially in Chinese. In Chinese compound words, the paratactic dicyllabic compound is very common, so the acquisition of Chinese children's paratactic compound is a problem worth studying. The purpose of this paper is to explore the development of Chinese children's paratactic compound words and classify them according to two different parts of speech and different transparency. There are two experiments: juxtaposition compound noun, verb output experiment and juxtaposition compound verb, noun comprehension experiment. This paper will discuss the following three questions: (1) which do children perform better in paratactic compound nouns or juxtaposition compound verbs? (2) semantic transparency is the understanding of preschool children's paratactic compound nouns. Does it have a significant effect? (3) does age have a significant effect on the output and understanding of paratactic compound nouns and juxtaposition compound verbs in preschool children? The subjects were 60 monolingual children aged from 4 to 5 years old in the Rhododendron Kindergarten in Changsha, Hunan Province, China. The camera and recording are carried out in a natural state. Camera type is (SONY) HDR-HCI, recorder type (SONY) ICD_SX35. In this paper, 120 segments of recording and video recording, language data transferred to the computer for analysis. Through the analysis of experimental data, the following conclusions are drawn: (1) the results show that the word composition has a significant impact on the understanding and output of the paratactic compound. In both comprehension and output experiments, children in both age groups showed preference for paratactic compound verbs. (2) semantic transparency had a significant effect on the understanding of paratactic compound nouns. Through the error type analysis, it is found that in the understanding of paratactic compound nouns, some children break the compound words into two independent morphemes first. (3) the experimental results show that age has a significant effect on the comprehension and output of compound words. Children's achievement increases obviously with age. In conclusion, the experimental results show that part of speech, semantic transparency and age have significant effects on the understanding and output of paratactic compound words in Chinese preschool children. Children's understanding and output of compound words increased rapidly before school. However, due to the limited scope of the compound words measured, the current research results are not enough to show the full picture of Chinese children's acquisition of compound words. The systematic study will be a new direction in the further study of Chinese children's compound word acquisition.
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