[Abstract]:The study of specialized vocabulary is an important aspect of language research and plays an extremely important role in the construction of perfect Chinese lexical system. Jin Yuan is an important period for the development of Chinese, and the Chinese vocabulary of this period presents its own characteristics. "Gui Qian Zhi" is one of the four most outstanding historical anecdotal notes of Jin and Yuan Dynasty, and it is also an important document for studying the language of Jin and Yuan dynasties. To some extent, it can reflect the words of the time. In this paper, the author makes a careful analysis of the vocabulary of Gui Qian Zhi, describes its basic features, outlines the characteristics of word formation, and explores the new meaning of new words, hoping to accumulate some basic materials for the study of Chinese history. This article mainly takes the vocabulary in "Gui Qian Zhi" as the research object, divides into the monosyllabic syllable, classifies the monosyllabic according to the part of speech, the complex syllable divides into the simple word, the compound word two kinds, carries on the detailed analysis to the compound word lexical characteristic, From quantitative analysis to qualitative analysis, to reveal the regularity from quantitative change to qualitative change, to sum up the word-formation characteristics of "Gui Qian Zhi", and to take the explanation of "Chinese Dictionary" as a reference, The new words and meanings in "Gui Qian Zhi" were discussed in combination with the books of the years before "Gui Qian Zhi" and "Gui Qian Zhi". The article is divided into four parts. The first part introduces the author, edition, content and research status of Gui Qian Zhi. The second part describes the basic features of "Gui Qian Zhi" monosyllabic words, and classifies all the words of "Gui Qian Zhi" into monosyllabic syllables. There are five categories of monosyllabic notional words, namely: verbs, nouns, adjectives, numerals, quantifiers, and monosyllabic function words, namely: adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, auxiliary words, interjections. Complex syllable notional words are mainly to analyze and discuss disyllabic notional words. There are two types of disyllabic notional words in disyllabic notional words: simple words and compound words. There are six kinds of structural forms of compound words, that is, addition, union, partial formality, verb-object, subject-predicate, supplement, and a few complex syllable function words. The third part analyzes the characteristics of lexical formation. One is to reveal the tendency of word formation at that time, that is to say, grammatical word formation is the main way of word formation at that time, and the other is to reveal the main structural way of grammatical word formation, that is, joint type, partial formality and verb-object type are the main grammatical word-formation methods. The third is to reveal which parts of speech are the main parts of speech at that time, that is, nouns, verbs and adjectives are the main parts of speech; The fourth part discusses the new words and meanings of the book "Gui Qian Zhi".
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