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发布时间:2018-09-11 12:02
[Abstract]:In recent years, the study of translation ethics has gradually become one of the focal points of translation theory researchers in China. This paper argues that any effective translation ethics can not be put forward without the examination and reflection of the traditional translation ethics. In view of this, based on the historical and practical reference of the two large-scale translation movements in traditional China, this paper attempts to explore the relationship between translation ethics and translation politics from the ethical demands of translation behavior in traditional China, as well as the relationship between translation ethics and translation politics. The moral problems of translators and the methods of expounding translation ethics reveal the basic characteristics of Chinese traditional translation ethics, and then put forward the idea of establishing relativism in translation ethics.
【作者单位】: 大连外国语学院法语系;
【基金】:辽宁省高等学校优秀人才支持计划“”(项目编号:2009R14) 大连外国语学院比较文化研究基地项目的阶段性成果


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