发布时间:2018-09-19 09:52
【摘要】:仿拟在英汉两种语言中表现活跃,古今中外,,深受广大话语者的青睐,渗透到人们生活的方方面面,广为运用,普遍出现在日常用语、休闲娱乐、报纸杂志、文学著作、文艺作品、政治演讲、商业广告之中,应用范围较为广泛。仿拟秉持现有的语言形式,根据表达的需要,不苟绳墨,仿造新的表达形式,并将其融入自己的语言之中传递出新概念、新内涵、新思想。 仿拟较早引起学术界的关注并引发深入讨论,传统上一惯将仿拟圈定在修辞学范畴之内。近年来随着认知语言学的深入发展,修辞的认知性也逐渐为学界所认识。仿拟作为常见语言修辞现象,本质上反映了人类认识事物的思维机制。本文拟在认知学的视域下探究仿拟修辞现象的运作机理,理清认知域中英汉仿拟相通因素,以及蕴藏于背后的深刻文化内涵,进而探究文化因素所导致的英汉仿拟的迥异。文章将描写与阐释、理论与实例有机结合,将仿拟置于认知语言学视域之中,体查英汉仿拟使用之异同,以助于学界进一步理清仿拟的产生和应用,从而深化对仿拟的科学理解。
[Abstract]:Parody is active in both English and Chinese. It is favored by the vast number of speakers, permeates all aspects of people's life, and is widely used in everyday language, leisure and entertainment, newspapers and magazines, and literary works. Literary works, political speeches and commercial advertisements are widely used. According to the need of expression, imitating the new form of expression, imitating it into its own language conveys new concepts, new connotations and new ideas. The parody has attracted the attention of the academic circles and aroused deep discussion, traditionally it has been delimited in the field of rhetoric. With the development of cognitive linguistics in recent years, the cognitive nature of rhetoric has been gradually recognized by scholars. Parody, as a common rhetorical phenomenon in language, essentially reflects the thinking mechanism of human cognition. This paper intends to explore the operational mechanism of parody rhetoric from the perspective of cognitive science, to clarify the common factors between English and Chinese parody in cognitive domain, as well as the profound cultural connotations in the background, and then to explore the differences between English and Chinese parody caused by cultural factors. This paper combines description and interpretation, theory with examples, puts parody in the field of cognitive linguistics, and looks up the similarities and differences between English and Chinese parody in order to help the academic circles to further clarify the emergence and application of parody. So as to deepen the scientific understanding of imitation.
[Abstract]:Parody is active in both English and Chinese. It is favored by the vast number of speakers, permeates all aspects of people's life, and is widely used in everyday language, leisure and entertainment, newspapers and magazines, and literary works. Literary works, political speeches and commercial advertisements are widely used. According to the need of expression, imitating the new form of expression, imitating it into its own language conveys new concepts, new connotations and new ideas. The parody has attracted the attention of the academic circles and aroused deep discussion, traditionally it has been delimited in the field of rhetoric. With the development of cognitive linguistics in recent years, the cognitive nature of rhetoric has been gradually recognized by scholars. Parody, as a common rhetorical phenomenon in language, essentially reflects the thinking mechanism of human cognition. This paper intends to explore the operational mechanism of parody rhetoric from the perspective of cognitive science, to clarify the common factors between English and Chinese parody in cognitive domain, as well as the profound cultural connotations in the background, and then to explore the differences between English and Chinese parody caused by cultural factors. This paper combines description and interpretation, theory with examples, puts parody in the field of cognitive linguistics, and looks up the similarities and differences between English and Chinese parody in order to help the academic circles to further clarify the emergence and application of parody. So as to deepen the scientific understanding of imitation.
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