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发布时间:2018-10-05 07:30
[Abstract]:In the past two years, there has been a phenomenon of "Chinese character craze". The broadcasting of "Chinese character Hero" and "Chinese character dictation Congress" one after another has attracted a wave of people learning Chinese characters. With the help of the ratings of the media, a wide variety of Chinese character games have appeared in the market. Especially according to the TV program development of the Chinese character game has also been the player's favorite. At present, most of the Chinese character games in the market are to learn Chinese characters by traditional means such as writing Chinese characters, following Chinese characters, vowels, phonetic characters, and component literacy, etc. The shortcomings of these methods lie in the one-sidedness of the teaching content of reading Chinese characters. There is no unified development system. Especially in content, each game has its own reference standard, Chinese character game needs the close cooperation of game developer and Chinese character educator. All kinds of Chinese character games cause learners not to know how to choose, how to attract players to Chinese character games that look similar, and how to guide players to learn Chinese characters is the top priority of the development of Chinese characters games. In order to learn Chinese characters more systematically through Chinese character game, this paper develops Chinese character game from the angle of Chinese character space, in order to achieve the goal of studying Chinese character more comprehensively from configuration to image. By discussing the spatial theory of Chinese characters, this paper sums up the layout space and image space of Chinese characters, and analyzes the visual expression forms of the layout space and image space of Chinese characters. By expounding the interaction between cognitive psychology of Chinese character space and educational game, the typical cases of educational game are analyzed, and the theoretical model of Chinese character game based on experiential learning theory is constructed. Based on the theory model, by analyzing the demand, learning goal and content of the experiential Chinese character game, the paper constructs the design copy, the situation, the task and the level, the feedback, the interface, the Chinese character layout space. The design of Chinese character image space and other related elements are expounded. Finally, in a lot of game evaluation methods, select the evaluation method of the experiential Chinese character game which is suitable for this design, and use the interview method and the scale method to carry on the user experience analysis to the design part of this article. Based on the results of the analysis, optimize and further evaluate the relevant parts of the game, such as stability, feedback, reward mechanism and content selection. The experimental results show that the core users of the design are 6-8 years old group, the virtual environment in the game can stimulate the learning potential, the overall user experience of the game is good before optimization, and excellent after optimization. The result shows that the game has achieved the expected effect of spatial cognition of Chinese characters.


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