[Abstract]:So far, the study of happiness symbols has not been carried out positively. Semiotics has only discussed the negative side of happiness-anxiety. Well-being can be defined as the satisfaction and accomplishment of the subject when the symbolic self-meaning is confirmed. Sign self may move up and down, happiness is dynamically stratified, self spirals up or down in symbol matrix. The acquisition of happiness follows five basic principles: the dynamic principle refers to the continuous changes of happiness caused by the moving of the sign self, the principle of comparison refers to the self-adjustment of the symbolic self in the repeated comparison, and the principle of interaction refers to the self and the other, the object, the object. Meta self in the mutual comparison dialogue, adjustment, change; realistic principle refers to the confirmation of sign self need to have the reality as reference; the value match principle means that happiness follows the fixed point law of symbolic self. The discussion of happiness in the history of western philosophy is complicated, basically in the fields of ethics, sociology and psychology, but can be explained in the semiotics theory. The study of happiness symbols can solve self-crisis, help to find the spiritual core of self, and complete self-reconstruction.
【作者单位】: 四川师范大学;
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