发布时间:2018-10-31 08:42
【摘要】:本文以上海市教委项目“汉字取象研究”中的对外汉语语料库为研究素材,统计、调查、分析2007~2012年上海交通大学留学生的形近字偏误情况,分析原因并尝试提出解决办法。本文首先利用语料库语料总结出175对留学生书写偏误的形近字:独体形近字25对,合体形近字150对。合体形近字中一阶形近字148对,二阶形近字2对。一阶形近字又分为两类,本字和别字读音相同或相近的形近字106对,读音不同的形近字42对。由此,本文编制出《留学生常用汉字形近字表》(以下简称“《留》”)。之后,从《留》中选取60对形近字制成以选择、判断题型为主的试卷,对学生进行当堂测验。结果显示,这60对被测形近字为偏误高发的形近字。 留学生形近字偏误的原因主要可以归为:一、缺乏对汉字部首意义和构形理据的认识;二、对形近字的本义和引申义不甚了解。解决方法的尝试:将《留》与《新HSK1~6级词汇大纲》比对,编制《新HSK1~6级词汇大纲中的形近字表》,,为对外汉语形近字教学提供字例及教学方法的参考。
[Abstract]:This paper takes the corpus of Chinese as a foreign language in the project of the Shanghai Education Commission "the study of Chinese character extraction" as the research material, statistics and investigation, analyzes the errors in the form and proximity of the foreign students of Shanghai Jiaotong University from 2007 to 2012, analyzes the reasons and tries to put forward some solutions. In this paper, we first summarize 175 pairs of foreign students' writing errors by using the corpus: 25 pairs of monographs and 150 pairs of homozygous characters. There are 148 pairs of first order near characters and 2 pairs of second order near characters in the conjunctive form. There are 106 pairs of characters with the same or similar pronunciation and 42 pairs of characters with different pronunciation. Therefore, this paper compiles the "Chinese character form near word Table" (hereinafter referred to as "stay >"). After that, 60 pairs of close characters were selected from "stay" to select and judge the test paper, and then the students were given a class test. The results showed that the 60 pairs of measured near characters were highly error-prone. The main reasons for the students' errors can be classified as follows: first, the lack of understanding of the Chinese character radical meaning and configuration motivation; Try to solve the problem: compare "stay" with "New HSK1~6 level Vocabulary outline", compile "the form and near word Table in the New HSK1~6 level Vocabulary outline", and provide the reference of character examples and teaching methods for teaching Chinese as a foreign language.
[Abstract]:This paper takes the corpus of Chinese as a foreign language in the project of the Shanghai Education Commission "the study of Chinese character extraction" as the research material, statistics and investigation, analyzes the errors in the form and proximity of the foreign students of Shanghai Jiaotong University from 2007 to 2012, analyzes the reasons and tries to put forward some solutions. In this paper, we first summarize 175 pairs of foreign students' writing errors by using the corpus: 25 pairs of monographs and 150 pairs of homozygous characters. There are 148 pairs of first order near characters and 2 pairs of second order near characters in the conjunctive form. There are 106 pairs of characters with the same or similar pronunciation and 42 pairs of characters with different pronunciation. Therefore, this paper compiles the "Chinese character form near word Table" (hereinafter referred to as "stay >"). After that, 60 pairs of close characters were selected from "stay" to select and judge the test paper, and then the students were given a class test. The results showed that the 60 pairs of measured near characters were highly error-prone. The main reasons for the students' errors can be classified as follows: first, the lack of understanding of the Chinese character radical meaning and configuration motivation; Try to solve the problem: compare "stay" with "New HSK1~6 level Vocabulary outline", compile "the form and near word Table in the New HSK1~6 level Vocabulary outline", and provide the reference of character examples and teaching methods for teaching Chinese as a foreign language.
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