[Abstract]:Luxi Township dialect is distributed on the banks of Yuan River at the border of Yuanling and Yuanling in the northeast of county. It is located in Chinese dialects and Miao languages such as Xiang dialect, Southwest Mandarin dialect and so on. The Tujia dialect is surrounded by Tujia language, and the language phenomenon is quite complex. Under the strong impact of Xiang dialect and Southwest Mandarin, Luxi Xiang dialect is increasingly endangered. This paper selects Luxi Baisha Town, Liangjiatan Township and Lijiatian Township as the representative points of Luxi Township dialect to investigate the endangered phenomenon of Luxi Township dialect. The thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter introduces the geography, history, language, research status, research content, research significance and research methods of Luxi County. Chapter two: using the evaluation index and system of the United Nations Scientific, Educational and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to study the transmission of Luxi dialect from generation to generation, the proportion of language use population and the trend of local dialect using field, combining with the actual situation of Luxi Xiang dialect. The classification of each village (community) clearly shows the language vitality of Luxi dialect. The third chapter studies the general attitudes of the users of Luxi dialect, and analyzes the social stratification variation, gender variation, age variation, educational level variation and occupational variation of language attitude of Luxi dialect, and sums up Baisha, Liangjiatan, etc. The language attitude characteristics of the three townships and townships in Lijiatian. Chapter four: explain the endangered features of Luxi dialect from two aspects: the decline of the function of use and the borrowing of language ontology, explore the causes of the endangered phenomenon of Luxi Xiang dialect, and find out the countermeasures and measures to protect Luxi township dialect.
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