[Abstract]:"the character form is special, appears many times in the bronze inscription. From the inscription content, the word "or as a reward, or with" Zun "," Yi "and other words. For the study of the word ", scholars have interpreted the word" Bay "," Lu (aluminum) "," Li "," copper "and other opinions, but in the inscription, there are not yet in the text. On the basis of the previous scholars' research, combined with various unearthed literature materials, such as Jin Wen and Jian Shu, this paper makes a comprehensive investigation and study on the word ". This paper holds that the word "Jin" should be a special form of the word "gold". The reasons are as follows: first, from the font point of view, the word "gold" should be the pictogram of the word "gold", like two metal blocks, is the original writing of the word "gold". Second, from the perspective of literary meaning, the interpretation of "gold", into the inscription from the text. Third, the word often appears as a side word, with the word "gold" or can be replaced, such as "Jun", "Ling" and so on. Fourth, bronze inscriptions, "ice", "Ling" from the word "." Water does not condense into ice as expected, so the word "should be used as a signifier to" change metal from liquid to solid ".
【作者单位】: 天津师范大学文学院;
【基金】:国家社科基金项目“郭店、上博古竹书字词研究”(项目批准号:13CYY046) 天津师范大学博士基金项目(项目经费号:52WW1114)资助
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