[Abstract]:The occurrence of fake loan and shape sound is the most important and influential event in the early development of Chinese characters. Their influence on the development of Chinese characters lies in the fact that it breaks the basic pattern of Chinese characters' form and meaning, establishes a new model of the relation between shape and sound, and introduces Chinese characters into the path of using shape and sound. The core of the "variation" of the form and sound is to transform the false loan word of the phonetic sound into the phonetic and phonetic character of the phonetic and phonetic character by adding the signifier, thus leading the Chinese character to the direction of the development of the form and sound. This is of epoch-making significance in the history of Chinese character development. The Chinese character has experienced the stage of expressing meaning and borrowing words, and finally it is moving towards the road of form and sound, which marks the maturity, perfection and systematization of Chinese character. The reasons of false borrowing and phonetic appearance are different, but the purpose of both is to solve the problems encountered in the development of Chinese characters through transformation, to help Chinese characters get rid of difficulties, to seek a new way for Chinese characters and to open up a new development space. Both have a profound influence on the development of Chinese characters.
【作者单位】: 中央民族大学文学与新闻传播学院;
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