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发布时间:2018-11-09 16:15
【摘要】:万物皆有名。 地名是人类生于自然,改造自然的产物。 云南大姚虽小,其文化却具有多元性,复杂性。 本文运用文化语言学的相关理论,结合数据统计方法,对大姚地名进行了较为全面系统的考察,对大姚地名中的语言现象做了粗略的分析,对大姚地名所蕴含的文化内涵作了初步的挖掘;全文分五个部分,主要内容如下: 第一章为绪论。首先简要介绍了大姚县的地理概况和历史沿革,,然后分析总结了大姚地名呈现的十二点功能。 第二章从语言的角度对大姚地名进行了详细分析。语音上主要从音节构成和声韵调搭配进行分析,并粗略构拟了大姚的语音系统;词汇上主要从用词倾向和词汇来源入手,结合大姚当地的历史、地理信息,进行了一定的统计分析;语法(词法)上主要是从地名词语的结构形式与构词法入手的;艺术分析上剖析了大姚地名命名的辞格特征。 第三章分两个大块。第一块对大姚地名的文化内涵进行了考察,具体分析了大姚地名与地域文化、历史文化和社会文化等的关系;第二块对大姚地名的命名理据进行了考察,具体将大姚地名和地理、资源、姓氏等多个方面进行了联系研究。 第四章就大姚地名整理、保护和创新中存在的问题,提出意见和建议,仅供参考。 第五章为结语。简洁说明了本文进行的实质性工作,总结了本文最终的学术成果,分析了在这一领域存在着较大的研究空间。
[Abstract]:Everything is famous. Place names are the product of man's birth and transformation of nature. Although Yunnan Dayao is small, its culture has the pluralism, the complexity. Based on the relevant theories of cultural linguistics and the method of data statistics, this paper makes a comprehensive and systematic investigation on the place names of Dayao, and makes a rough analysis of the linguistic phenomena in the names of Dayao. The cultural connotation of Dayao place name is preliminarily excavated. The full text is divided into five parts, the main contents are as follows: the first chapter is the introduction. This paper briefly introduces the geographical situation and historical evolution of Dayao County, and then analyzes and summarizes the 12:00 function of the toponym in Dayao County. The second chapter makes a detailed analysis of Dayao place names from the perspective of language. In phonology, the syllable structure and phonological collocation are analyzed, and the speech system of Dayao is roughly constructed. In vocabulary, it mainly starts with the tendency of words and the source of vocabulary, combines with the local history and geographical information of Dayao, and makes some statistical analysis, and grammar (lexical) mainly starts with the structure and formation of toponymic words and phrases. On the artistic analysis, the paper analyzes the rhetorical features of the name of Dayao place name. Chapter three is divided into two parts. The first part investigates the cultural connotations of Dayao place names, and analyzes the relationship between place names and regional culture, historical culture and social culture. The second part makes an investigation on the naming motivation of Dayao place names, and studies the relation between the name of Dayao place name and geography, resources, surnames and so on. The fourth chapter puts forward some suggestions and suggestions on the problems of toponymic arrangement, protection and innovation in Dayao for reference only. The fifth chapter is the conclusion. This paper briefly explains the substantive work carried out in this paper, summarizes the final academic achievements of this paper, and analyzes the great research space in this field.


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2 邢建英;大姚金碧镇民俗宗教活动调查和研究[D];云南大学;2012年




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