[Abstract]:Schema theory is a kind of cognitive psychology theory. In the process of discourse interpretation, the basic idea is that the text itself does not carry meaning, and the existence of the text only leads the decoder to find or construct the meaning from the knowledge acquired by himself. In order to achieve the coherence of the text. Coherence is not an inherent feature of a text, but a concept related to the reader. To a large extent, the acquisition of discourse coherence depends on whether the reader owns and activates the relevant schema. Iconicity is an important subject in cognitive linguistics and another basic feature of language relative to arbitrariness. Iconicity is of great significance in understanding the relationship between language and cognition. Since human beings are active participants in the process of understanding the objective world, language does not reflect the objective world directly, but reflects the various concepts or conceptual structures formed by the human mind in the process of understanding the objective world. The iconicity theory of language is between signifier and signified, the form and content of language is a necessary connection, that is, the relationship between the two is regular. The iconicity of language is relative arbitrariness, which means that there is a natural connection between signifier and signifier of language symbol. The combination of the two can be proved and justified (Shen Jiaxuan, 1993). Schema is the structure of knowledge stored in the mind by known things or information. A large number of theories prove that iconicity has the anticipative effect, and the input information interacts with the iconicity, which makes the schema be activated and the vacancy is filled, thus completing the understanding of the text. On the contrary, if the reader does not have the corresponding schema or has the corresponding schema and does not provide enough iconicity thinking to make the schema work, it will not be able to complete the comprehension of the text and cause the difficulty of understanding. Thus it can be seen that schema and iconicity are cognitive structures formed and developed by human beings in the process of interaction with environment and embody human cognitive principles. Understanding the relationship between schemata and iconicity can better understand the text. On the basis of a review of previous studies on schema theory and iconicity theory as well as discourse coherence and related research results, this paper attempts to explore the interaction mechanism of linguistic schema and iconicity, and to expound the influence of this mechanism on the study of discourse coherence.
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