[Abstract]:As a common special sentence pattern in Chinese, it is frequently used in the daily life of the native people, and it is also listed as a sentence pattern in the initial stage of teaching Chinese as a foreign language (TCFL). However, since Chinese is a language that lacks morphological changes, subject and object have no explicit case marks, and sentence patterns are easily confused with linked verb sentences, double object sentences, subject-predicate sentences, constrictive complex sentences, etc. In addition, the study of Chinese ontology and the teaching of Chinese grammar as a foreign language have not been well combined, which has increased the difficulty of Thai students' acquisition and sentence style. Guided by the theory of second language acquisition, this paper draws lessons from and assimilates the achievements of the study of the syntactic ontology, and from the perspective of acquisition, through the form of questionnaire survey, examines the acquisition situation of Thai students and sentences, and finds out the problems. Solve the problem, and finally achieve the purpose of guiding and sentence teaching. This paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter introduces the reason and significance of the topic, the status quo of the research, the source of the corpus, research ideas, research scope and methods. In the second chapter, the author makes a statistical analysis of the overall results of Thai students' acquisition of concurrent sentence patterns, and lists the order of difficulty of Thai students' acquisition and sentence form according to the subjective and objective answer rate. The third chapter makes a specific investigation and analysis of the nine types of sentence patterns, namely, causation, request, dispatch, compulsion, dissuasion, cultivation, love-hate, selection, and whether there are any. Statistics and analysis of the nine categories of the correct use of sentence and error types. In the fourth chapter, the author puts forward some suggestions on teaching and textbook compiling. The fifth chapter is the conclusion of this paper.
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