[Abstract]:In Wang Wei's poems, color words are used in large quantities, and the color is properly grasped and reconciled. The use of color words plays a unique role in creating artistic conception, setting off atmosphere and expressing the author's emotion. This article is divided into three parts, respectively, to study the classification of color in Wang Wei's poems, the reasons of coloring, and finally to carry on the horizontal contrast with the contemporary frontier fortress poetry and the longitudinal contrast with Song ci. The first part is the analysis of the use of color in Wang Wei's poems, from the monochrome, polychromatic collocation, other types of color words and light color changes to explain several aspects. The second part mainly discusses the causes of coloring in Wang Wei's poems. Wang Wei's preference for cool colors is inextricably linked to his political background, Buddhist origins and painting talent. Politically, Wang Wei was frustrated in his official career and led a half-official and half-hidden life. The lonely mood was reflected in poetry, and cold tone was the best interpretation. In the history of Chinese poetry, Wang Wei is famous for his poem Buddha. As early as before his death, some people called him "contemporary poetic craftsman, but also refined Zen principle" (Yuan salty "pay Wang Wei preface", "all Tangwen" Vol.129). Wang Wei used Zen to enrich the expression of poetry. The purpose of Zen's mind is also consistent with cold tone. Wang Wei painting famous, ink and green work, majestic and delicate, often with the painter's eyes to observe things, depicting the scene thick and light, shape and spirit. The third part mainly contrasts with Tang Dynasty frontier fortress poetry and Song ci. After the preparation stage of the early Tang Dynasty, the frontier fortress poetry in the high Tang Dynasty entered the golden age, and many famous poets appeared, such as Gao Shi, Cen Shen, Wang Changling, Wang Zhihuan and so on. Poets with open mind, hot feelings, singing the high, bold voice of the times. Song ci or graceful beautiful, or generous agitation. When contrasting with Wang Wei's poems, we find great differences.
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