[Abstract]:The initials of children are systematically different from those of adults. Consonant acquisition bias is a common phenomenon in Putonghua children's phonetic acquisition with common physiological basis. On the basis of reviewing the relevant studies at home and abroad, this paper makes a statistical analysis of the type and number of initial errors in a Chinese Putonghua child from 3 years old to 4 months old to 3 years old and 10 months old. The causes and rules of errors are also analyzed from the aspects of language and physiological factors. A comparative study was conducted on the language materials of another child. According to the corpus, there are two types of initial errors: substitution and shedding, among which the substitution types include stop-tone, corrugated, X soft palate, forward, backward, non-gasification and semi-vowel. The author thinks that the errors in the initial acquisition of the putonghua children have the following rules: first, the type and quantity of the initial errors produced by the children at different stages of development have the characteristics of each stage; Secondly, the type and quantity of initial consonant acquisition are related to the sequence of consonant acquisition; third, the frequency of errors in initial consonant acquisition is high and low. In the origin of initial errors, physiological factors mainly restrict the speech development of early children in a series of physiological dominating order. At the same time, the phonetic difficulty of children's acquisition of language is also one of the causes of initial errors. The results of this study provide a comparative object for other case studies on phonetic acquisition of other languages and Putonghua, and are also an important supplement to the comprehensive understanding of the phenomena and rules of children's phonetic acquisition.
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