[Abstract]:In this paper, the author makes a comparative study on the arrangement style, arrangement order and interpretation of the two rhyme books, and concludes that there is a very close relationship between the integration of rhyme science and the prosody of ancient and modern rhyme. Then with the help of the electronic version of Siku Guanshu, we make exhaustive statistics and analysis on the rhyme characters with special labels in the phonetic annotation, such as the integration of rhyme science and the prosody of ancient and modern rhymes. On the basis of the basic determination of these special tagging sources, this paper discusses the specific manifestation of the relationship between "rhyme integration" and "ancient and modern rhyme meeting". In this paper, the distribution, source and cause of the special materials in phonetic annotation, such as "the same pronunciation with some", "old rhyme and so on" and "Yuan from such a cut / rhyme", are discussed and analyzed by means of exhaustive statistical method and contrastive analysis. The relationship between rhyme integration and ancient and modern rhyme is analyzed.
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