[Abstract]:Linguistic research shows that compliment speech act is a sociolinguistic subject worthy of discussion. In recent years, many researches at home and abroad have examined the patterns of giving and responding to compliments. Most studies have focused on the linguistic forms of compliment giving and compliment response. Relevant sociolinguistic studies have shown that as a positive speech act, compliment giving and compliment response are closely related to the social attributes of speech acts, such as gender, age, social status and educational level. According to the existing literature, there are many studies on the relationship between gender, age, social status and speech acts in China, but few people have studied the influence of the educational level of native Chinese speakers on the compliment response model. Based on the theory of language variation and the theory of language contact, the purpose of this study is to investigate how the educational level of Chinese native speakers affects compliment response patterns in Chinese context. It also tries to find out how the level of education cooperatively influences the response pattern of compliments. According to the foregoing, The author puts forward three research questions: (1) how does the educational level of native Chinese speakers affect the compliment response model? (2) male native speakers with different educational backgrounds respond to compliments What is the difference between different types? (3) what is the difference between the compliment response patterns of female native speakers from different educational backgrounds? The research methods of this paper are questionnaire survey and nature observation. The research was based on questionnaire survey, supplemented by natural observation. With the help of the chi-square test of SPSS, the present study confirms the hypothesis that the majority of highly educated native speakers tend to adopt the acceptance model. More thanks mode is used and less negative mode is used; However, most of the Chinese native speakers with low academic qualifications tend to adopt the rejection model, the negation and weakening mode more and less the non-response model. In general, Chinese native speakers with higher education are more willing to accept compliments, while those with lower education are more accustomed to refuse compliments. Therefore, this study finds that the educational level of native Chinese speakers has a significant impact on compliment response patterns. In different gender groups, gender, as a social variable, also has an impact on compliment response patterns. In order to express their friendship, men tend to adopt the promotion mode as their first choice when they are flattered, while women tend to adopt the grateful mode. These can be seen in the two groups of men and women, Western culture and values of their assimilation and integration.
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