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发布时间:2019-01-20 11:18
【摘要】:汉语教师志愿者(以下简称“志愿者”)项目是中国为帮助世界各国解决汉语师资短缺问题而专门设立的志愿服务项目。从2003年向泰国和菲律宾派出首批志愿者后,这十年来,国家汉办已向世界各地近百个国家派出上万名志愿者。这在很大程度上不仅为全球的孔子学院,,还为开设汉语课程的国外中小学解决了汉语师资短缺的问题。同时,志愿者也以其吃苦奉献的精神和出色的工作表现,给世界各国人民留下了美好的印象,被称为“来自中国的天使”、“最可爱的人”。 志愿者作为汉语国际推广的“中坚力量”,其综合素质对汉语和中华文化在全球的传播与推广有着举足轻重的作用,在很大程度上影响了汉语国际推广的效果与成败,因此调查研究国际汉语教师志愿者的综合素质迫在眉睫。 本文着眼于国际汉语教师志愿者综合素质的意义,分析探讨了志愿者的综合素质对对外汉语教学、国家汉办志愿者项目和从事对外汉语教学工作的老师们的意义,并根据相关专业学者的观点对论文相关专业术语进行了涵义界定,说明了此次研究的内容与方法。随后,作者参考和借鉴了目前研究汉语教师志愿者和教师综合素质的文章和观点,进行文献综述,并对此进行了总结。在此基础上,作者以国家汉办编著出版的《国际汉语教师标准》为基础设计了一份调查问卷,包括志愿者基本情况、志愿者的语言基本知识与技能、文化与交际、第二语言习得与学习策略、教学法、教师综合素质和志愿者精神共七个部分,分发给2011年赴印尼任教的74名志愿者填写,待回收后借助相关统计分析方法对数据赋值以测量志愿者自我评价的整体得分,并对各部分标准进行横向对比分析,发现此批志愿者综合素质整体处于中等偏上水平,但在部分标准上还不能较高程度地符合《标准》的要求,如对外语口语表达与阅读能力、二语习得的相关要求等。因此,作者思考了影响志愿者综合素质的主观原因和客观原因,并随意选取部分志愿者进行深度访谈,根据他们的反馈提出了一些个人建议,包括对国际汉语志愿者教师师资培养的启示、对国家汉办选拔和培训志愿者的建议以及对汉语教师志愿者个人的启示等。
[Abstract]:Chinese teacher volunteers (hereinafter referred to as "volunteers") is a voluntary service program set up in China to help solve the shortage of Chinese teachers around the world. After sending its first volunteers to Thailand and the Philippines in 2003, the National Han Affairs Office has sent tens of thousands of volunteers to nearly 100 countries around the world over the past decade. To a large extent, it solves the problem of shortage of Chinese teachers not only for Confucius Institutes, but also for foreign primary and secondary schools offering Chinese courses. At the same time, with their dedication and excellent work performance, volunteers have left a good impression on the world's people, known as "angels from China", "the lovable person." As the "backbone force" of Chinese international popularization, volunteers play an important role in the spread and promotion of Chinese and Chinese culture in the world, and to a great extent affect the effect and success of Chinese international promotion. Therefore, it is urgent to investigate and study the comprehensive quality of international Chinese teacher volunteers. This paper focuses on the significance of the comprehensive quality of international Chinese teachers' volunteers, and analyzes the significance of the volunteers' comprehensive qualities to the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language, the national Chinese volunteer program and the teachers engaged in teaching Chinese as a foreign language. According to the views of relevant professional scholars, the author defines the meaning of the relevant professional terms and explains the contents and methods of this study. Then, the author refers to and draws lessons from the current research articles and viewpoints on the comprehensive quality of Chinese teachers' volunteers and teachers, carries on a literature review, and summarizes it. On this basis, the author designs a questionnaire on the basis of the International Standards for Chinese Teachers, which is compiled and published by the National Chinese language Office, including the basic situation of volunteers, their basic knowledge and skills in language, culture and communication. A total of seven parts, including second language acquisition and learning strategies, teaching methods, teachers' comprehensive qualities and volunteerism, were distributed to 74 volunteers who went to Indonesia to teach in 2011. In order to measure the whole score of volunteers' self-evaluation, the comprehensive quality of volunteers was found to be above the average level. However, some standards can not meet the requirements of the Standard to a higher degree, such as oral English expression and reading ability, second language acquisition related requirements and so on. Therefore, the author considers the subjective and objective reasons that affect the comprehensive quality of volunteers, and chooses some volunteers to conduct in-depth interviews at will, and puts forward some personal suggestions according to their feedback. It includes the enlightenment to the teacher training of international Chinese volunteer teachers, the suggestion to the selection and training of volunteers by the National Chinese language Office, and the enlightenment to the individual Chinese teacher volunteers and so on.


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