[Abstract]:In English and other languages, verb acquisition is considered to be more difficult than noun acquisition, while Chinese children acquire a large number of verbs before they are 3 years old, showing only a weak "noun advantage". Ma,Golinkoff,Hirsh-Pasek,McDonough and Tardif (2009) found that The early acquisition of Chinese verbs has higher expressiveness than English verbs, and representability partly explains the variation of verb acquisition age in the two languages. However, no research has been done to reveal why Chinese verbs have higher expressiveness. This study assumes that the early verbs have a strong association with the body parts, which leads to the high expressiveness of Chinese verbs. Study 1 examined the association between 169 behavioral verbs and body regions in Chinese children's early acquisition by using adult lexical associative tasks. In study 2, adults were asked to evaluate the representability of these verbs, and to further investigate the relationship between verb-body part association, representability and acquisition age. The results confirm our hypothesis. The findings are as follows: 1) most verbs acquired by Chinese children in their early stages are related to specific body regions; (2) Chinese children first acquire verbs about the hand region (including hands and arms), followed by verbs about mouth, legs and other body regions, 3) the number of body areas associated with verbs can explain 12% variation of representability; 4) the relationship between verb and body part is partly mediated by representability, which affects the acquisition age of early verbs. The results show that there is a consistent association relationship between verb acquisition and body area in Chinese children, and the intensity of association affects the acquisition age by improving the expressiveness of verbs. The results are helpful to explain why Chinese children acquire a large number of verbs in their early stages.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院心理研究所;山西大学教育科学学院;
【基金】:中国科学院重点部署项目(KJZD-EW-L04) 国家自然科学基金项目(31070917)资助
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