[Abstract]:Conflict discourse is common and complex in daily communication. Although scholars have done more and more research on the initiation and conflict response of conflict discourse in recent years, they have ignored the study of conflict response caused by indirect speech acts such as rhetorical questions. Based on Spencer-Oatey (2000)'s theory of interpersonal harmony management, this paper takes five novels about Chinese marriage life as the corpus source. The following three research questions are put forward around the conflicting responses caused by rhetorical questions: (1) what are the types of conflicting responses caused by rhetorical questions? (2) Why do couples respond to rhetorical questions in conflict? (3) what is the impact of these conflict responses on interpersonal relationships? In order to solve the first research problem, we found nine kinds of conflict responses caused by rhetorical questions, which are also called interpersonal relationship management strategies. These strategies are rebuttal, criticism, blame, order, swearing, complaint, refusal, defense and denial. In most cases, couples often combine several strategies. We observe that couples are prone to conflicting responses to questions when it comes to the following topics: extramarital affairs, relationships between one party and others, character or behaviour of one party, child, money, family and work. And housework, etc. Moreover, when couples choose strategies, they are mainly influenced by their perspective, emotion and specific personal purpose at that time. Secondly, this paper discusses the possible reasons for the conflict response between husband and wife to rhetorical questions from the harmonious orientation of determining people's choice of relationship management strategy. Neglecting the harmonious orientation is the harmonious orientation which mainly leads to the conflict response between husband and wife. There are five motivations: maintaining their own face, protecting their social rights, insisting on their views and positions, venting their negative emotions and achieving their specific goals. We also found that when responding to rhetorical questions, couples attach great importance to the expression of their own views and refute each other's views, so that the frequency of rebuttal and defense is very high. At the same time, because they pay attention to interpersonal harmony, the frequency of response strategies with greater conflict is much less than that with less conflict. Therefore, when couples aim to vent negative emotions, these conflict strategies are used much more frequently than those driven by several other motivations. Finally, we explore the impact of conflicted responses caused by rhetorical questions on interpersonal relationships. On the one hand, these conflict responses undermine interpersonal harmony and have a negative impact on interpersonal relationships-causing or aggravating conflicts and harming husband and wife's feelings, as manifested in causing or aggravating disputes, physical conflicts, withdrawal from dialogue and silence. It could even lead to a cold war. On the other hand, these conflict responses maintain or enhance interpersonal harmony and have a positive impact on interpersonal relationships-enhancing mutual understanding and improving the relationship between husband and wife, as reflected in letting each other know what he or she thinks. Eliminate misunderstandings and prevent negative emotions from worsening.
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