[Abstract]:Place names are named after their own languages according to the environment of existence and living and the diversity of topography. It is a historical and cultural fossil containing nature and human culture. On the basis of collecting the names of Alashan physical geographical entities and establishing a database, this paper explores the types, phrase relations and cultural connotations of these geographical names according to the structural principle of "special nouns". The full text has the introduction, the first chapter, the second chapter, the third chapter, the summary, the appendix and so on five parts. The introduction part mainly describes the general situation of place name research, the concept and category of place name, the reason of topic selection and the research method. Chapter I, according to the names of physical geographical entities in the database, is divided into toponymic names related to topography (including mountain-related geographical names and land-related geographical names), geographical names related to whom, plant-related geographical names, and flying birds, Animal-related geographical names and other types of geographical names. The second chapter mainly expounds the structural characteristics of the natural geographical entity name of Alashan League. Based on the number of toponymic words, we analyze the structure and characteristics of the names of physical geographical entities in Alashan League, which are divided into two sections: words and compound words. The third chapter mainly expounds the national cultural characteristics contained in the name of physical geographical entity of Alashan League from the aspects of hunting culture, nomadic culture, symbolic cultural thinking, religious culture and toponymic legends. Summarize and summarize the main contents of the paper.
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