[Abstract]:With the emergence of Chinese fever, more and more Indonesian students come to learn Chinese, but there are few contrastive studies between Chinese and Indonesian language. for Indonesians, learning Chinese is a very difficult thing and urgently needs the guidance of relevant theories. Taking the students of Jianguo University in Indonesia as the research object, this paper mainly investigates the errors caused by their learning and using Chinese momentum words. This paper starts with the ontology of Chinese momentum words and the study of momentum words in the field of teaching Chinese as a foreign language. On the basis of comparing with Indonesian classifiers, this paper tries to understand the mastery of Chinese momentum words by Indonesian students through questionnaire and data analysis. This paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, including the introduction of the motivation and significance of this study, the theoretical basis and research methods, the related research review and the comparison of momentum words in Chinese. The second chapter is the investigation of Indonesian students' use of Chinese momentum words, including the content of the survey object and the analysis of the results of the questionnaire. The third chapter is the error analysis of Indonesian students' Chinese momentum words, including the types of errors and the causes of errors. The fourth chapter is the Indonesian students' Chinese momentum word teaching suggestion, including the primary, intermediate, advanced stage momentum word teaching; the fifth chapter is the conclusion. Through investigation, this study finds out the difficulties and solutions of Indonesian students in learning momentum words, analyzes the complex sentence patterns of momentum words, makes it easy for Indonesian students to understand and use momentum words, and probes into the teaching methods of motivational words. It is hoped that the survey can provide useful reference for Indonesian Chinese teaching.
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