[Abstract]:In the early Chinese texts, the word "benefit" showed a complex meaning, especially in contradictory sentences. The emergence of these contradictory sentences may suggest that the thinkers after Mencius no longer simply accepted or rejected "benefit", but gradually recognized the multifaceted concept of "benefit". The distinction between the motivational meaning and the descriptive meaning of the concept by British and American philosophers is helpful to explain the two important functions of "benefit" in the early discussion of China. The motivational meaning of the concept refers to the persuasion power poured into the concept, in order to make the concept "move" the audience in a specific direction. The descriptive meaning of the concept refers to the meaning of the concept itself, that is, the neutral content and description in orientation. When the argumentation of the early thinkers focused on the approval or opposition to "benefit" (two kinds of motivational meanings), it also discussed the existing semantic connotation (descriptive meaning) of "benefit". The analysis of the contradictory sentences of the word "benefit" can also further prove that the popularization and continuous absorption of Mohist thought by other schools. To regard "benefit" as a kind of value is only seen in Mohist theory at first, and then gradually becomes the moral language shared by thinkers.
【作者单位】: 比利时鲁汶大学汉学系;
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