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发布时间:2019-06-03 18:11
【摘要】:本文从意义入手,寻求形式和意义的互证。努力厘清三对关系:空间与实体,空间量与物量,空间量标记与物量标记。在与物量的辨析中建构空间量表达系统。重点选定了六个专题,着重解决过去习焉不察和解释不清的现象。理论运用务实为主,不囿于一家一派,以描写清晰和解释清晰为最高目标。各章安排如下: 第一章,空间量问题概说。本章进行理论建构,文献综述和表达方式的归纳。空间量的定义是:语言表达中的空间概念所具有的量性特征。可分为事物自身的空间量属性(包括形状量、大小量、维度量),事物之间的空间量关系(包括主次关系、对等关系)。空间量在量范畴中具有基础性的地位。 第二章至第七章是在空间量理论框架下进行的六个专题研究,选取的语法事实分别与形状量、大小量、维度量、强弱度、全称量化、主观性问题相关。 第二章,空间形状量与名量词系统。有近四成的名量词具有形状量,但“数量名”中物量的凸显导致了空间量的隐退,我们借鉴分类词重视“外形”的思路,将名量词分为“度量衡量词、形状量词、个化量词”三类“造词法”和“容器量词、临时量词”两类“用词法”,概括出“量词化”的实质就是“去空间量化”。 第三章,空间大小量与名词、量词重叠。本章从理论上对物量的“多少量”和空间量的“大小量”作出区分,进而跨方言考察量词重叠中空间量的呈现问题。四川资中城区方言存在名词、量词重叠表“小量”的实例,这和普通话的表“多量”为主形成对比。我们对这些方言实例予以例举、分类和解释。 第四章,空间维度量与存现句。本章重新审视存现句的构句规则与消歧问题,也即存现构式义和准入条件。我们认为空间量与主语/界标,物量与宾语/射体构成无标记组配,主、宾语对立依存,但并不同质。我们还重新看待宾位上数量定语的作用,提出“空间量单一”和“物量不光杆”两项限定原则。 第五章,空间量强弱度与“可逆句难题”。本章针对可逆句的否定不对称现象,根据维度量强弱度分出三类实体名词:强空间量→弱空间量→零空间量,从空间量到物量形成一个连续统。我们发现只有强空间量出现的一类可逆句,涉及到空间分割,否定后才仍然对称。这类可逆句也能与存现句相呼应,能够添加维度量标记。这两方面的操作可以实现对“可逆句难题”的有效分解。 第六章,空间全称量与“一、满、全”。本章引入全称量限以辨析“满NP”和“全NP”两类构式的似同实异:“满”是“空间全称量算子”,,而“全”是“物量全称、整体量算子”,“满”和“全”做主语时分别担任存现主语和施动主语。“一”在空间全称量表达上更加主观化。我们再结合存现句与全称量,重新解释了“V满”问题。 第七章,主观空间量与“在+处所”问题。本章从主观性角度考察“在+L”型空间量在四个句位上的主观性差异,尤其是言者对“在LV”和“V在L”两类空间量的参与度差异和主观渗入,以及“V在L”的进一步语法化。用统计数据描写并解释了四类构式的语体差异、成因及语用效果。 第八章,结语。基于“空间量-物量”糅合与分离的全新视角。
[Abstract]:This paper starts with the meaning, and seeks the form and meaning of the mutual certificate. Try to clarify three-to-one relationship: space and entity, amount of space, quantity of object, space quantity mark and object quantity mark. The spatial volume expression system is constructed in the analysis of the amount of the object. The focus has been on the selection of six topics, focusing on the past and unclear interpretation of the past. The theory is based on the pragmatic principle, and is not limited to a school, to describe the clear and clear as the highest goal. The chapters are arranged as follows: Chapter 1, Overview of the Space Quantity In this chapter, the theoretical construction, the review of the literature and the return of the expression are carried out in this chapter. The definition of the amount of space is the amount of the space concept in the language expression. sign. It can be divided into the space quantity attribute of the object itself (including shape quantity, size quantity, dimension measure), and the space quantity relation between things (including primary and secondary relations, peer-to-peer relationship . The amount of space is fundamental in the range of quantities. The second chapter to the seventh chapter are six thematic studies carried out under the framework of the theory of space quantity. The selected grammatical facts are the same as the shape quantity, the size quantity, the dimension measure, the strength degree, the full name and the subjectivity question. related to the question. Chapter 2, the amount of space shape and According to the "form factor" of the "Quantity Name", the "quantize" of the "measure and measure word, shape quantifier and number word" is divided into three types of "word-making" and "container quantifier", and the essence of the "word law" is" trunk> "de-space query" < / trunk>. Chapter 3, Volume of space In this chapter, we distinguish the "Size" and the "a small amount of" of the amount of the object from the theory, and then overlap the hollow of the quantifier in the dialect. The problem of the presentation of the interm...................................................................................................................... > The main form of the comparison. Examples of these dialects are examples in chap. IV, The space-dimension measure and the present sentence. This chapter reexamines the structure of the present sentence and the issue of disambiguation. We think the space quantity and subject/ landmark, object quantity and object/ object form are not marked, and the main and the object pairs We also re-view the role of the quantitative language in the binge, and put forward the "single space" and the "the quantity of the object is not policy" Two defined principles. Chapter 5, the degree of space volume and the "the problem of In this chapter, according to the negative asymmetric phenomenon of the reversible sentence, three kinds of entity terms are divided according to the degree of the dimension measure: the strong space quantity, the weak space quantity and the zero space quantity, from the space The amount of material forms a continuum. We found that only a class of reversible sentences with a strong amount of space involved space This kind of reversible sentence can also be called with the present sentence. At the same time, you can add a dimension measure tag. This two-way operation enables you to implement the " The effective decomposition of . Chapter 6, Full name of space and "One, ful" l, full ". This chapter introduces the full name limit to differentiate between the two types of the "full NP" and the "Total NP". The "full" is the "space full name operator", and the "full" is the subject of the "full-scale operator", the "full" and the "full" The "I." is the subject of the present and the subject of the application. The full name of space is more subjective. We reinterpret the "V full" problem. Chapter 7, the amount of subjective space and

"at + pr In this chapter, the subjectivity of the "In + L"-type space in the four sentences is investigated from the point of view of subjectivity, especially the difference of the participation of the two types of space between the "In the LV" and the "V鍦↙" and the subjective infiltration, and the "trunk>" V. The further grammaticalization of L ". The Difference of the Structure of the Style Chapter 8, Conclusion. Based on the "volume of space"


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