发布时间:2019-06-08 15:26
【摘要】:中国文化在全球得到广泛的传播,使得越来越多的人对学习汉语产生了浓厚的兴趣。与此同时,在学习汉语的过程中,也出现了很多困难。首先就是汉语语音方面,最为明显的是洋腔洋调的现象的出现,这主要是非母语汉语学习者没有掌握好汉语声韵格局和声调。同时,语音测试作为口语测试的一部分,却没有受到足够的重视。在口语测试评分过程中,基本上采用主观评分方法。因评分者个体差异以及评分员主观因素差异很容易影响评分的信度。然而,随着声学语音学和实验语音学的发展,给语音测试的发展提供了科学方便的分析工具,,使得语音测试迎来发展的契机。 为了探究一种客观,科学和准确的汉语塞音测试评判方法,本文从声学语音学和实验语音学的角度出发,提出了以下三个问题: 第一如何把基于声学语音学研究的声学特征,浊音起始时间,送气时长,送气时长与韵母时长之比应用于汉语塞音测试? 第二.基于这三个声学特征,是否可将正确,可接受和错误三级评判假设进行具体量化?如果可以,其具体的取值范围是多少? 第三非母语汉语学习者在汉语塞音发音方面存在哪些典型错误?为什么会犯这些错误? 本文利用Pratt语音分析软件来提取三个声学特征的参数,对考生发音和标准音进行了对比分析,并且对正确,可接受和错误三类发音进行了归类分析,此外利用SPSS数据分析软件对送气和不送气塞音进行了显著性差异分析。 分析结果表明,基于声学特征的汉语语音测试方法是可行的。但未能对正确,可接受和错误三级评判假设进行量化。但还是取得了一些成果。具体说来,送气时长方面,汉语塞音/b/的正确,可接受和错误三类发音数值没有重叠。送气时长和韵母时长之比值方面,塞音/b/和/k/的正确,可接受和错误三类发音数值也没有重叠。此外,非母语汉语学习者在汉语塞音发音方面,存在的问题包括:容易把不送气音发成送气音,浊音起始时间和送气时长不够,送气音和不送气音的区分不够明显,以及没有充分掌握汉语声韵格局,亦或汉语声母时长过长,亦或韵母时长过长,导致声韵母比例失衡。
[Abstract]:Chinese culture has been widely spread all over the world, making more and more people have a strong interest in learning Chinese. At the same time, in the process of learning Chinese, there are also many difficulties. First of all, in the aspect of Chinese pronunciation, the most obvious is the emergence of foreign accent, which is mainly due to the failure of non-native Chinese learners to master the phonological pattern and tone of Chinese. At the same time, as a part of oral test, speech test has not been paid enough attention to. In the process of oral test scoring, subjective scoring method is basically used. It is easy to affect the reliability of the score because of the individual difference of the scorer and the difference of subjective factors of the scorer. However, with the development of acoustic phonetics and experimental phonetics, it provides a scientific and convenient analytical tool for the development of speech testing, which makes speech testing ushered in an opportunity for development. In order to explore an objective, scientific and accurate evaluation method of Chinese phonetic test, this paper starts from the point of view of phonological phonetics and experimental phonetics. The following three questions are put forward: first, how to apply the acoustic features based on phonological phonetics, the beginning time of turbid sound, the ratio of air delivery time to vowel time to Chinese plug sound test? Second銆
[Abstract]:Chinese culture has been widely spread all over the world, making more and more people have a strong interest in learning Chinese. At the same time, in the process of learning Chinese, there are also many difficulties. First of all, in the aspect of Chinese pronunciation, the most obvious is the emergence of foreign accent, which is mainly due to the failure of non-native Chinese learners to master the phonological pattern and tone of Chinese. At the same time, as a part of oral test, speech test has not been paid enough attention to. In the process of oral test scoring, subjective scoring method is basically used. It is easy to affect the reliability of the score because of the individual difference of the scorer and the difference of subjective factors of the scorer. However, with the development of acoustic phonetics and experimental phonetics, it provides a scientific and convenient analytical tool for the development of speech testing, which makes speech testing ushered in an opportunity for development. In order to explore an objective, scientific and accurate evaluation method of Chinese phonetic test, this paper starts from the point of view of phonological phonetics and experimental phonetics. The following three questions are put forward: first, how to apply the acoustic features based on phonological phonetics, the beginning time of turbid sound, the ratio of air delivery time to vowel time to Chinese plug sound test? Second銆