发布时间:2019-06-10 17:24
【摘要】:徽州地区位于安徽省最东南部,清朝徽州府辖绩溪、歙县、休宁、黟县、祁门、婺源等六县,即现在的安徽宣城绩溪县、黄山徽州区、黄山屯溪区、黄山休宁县、黄山歙县、黄山黟县、黄山祁门县和江西的婺源县。 敦煌文献的出土,使得“文书”成为一个专有名词,即“文书”是古代民间买卖田地房产山坦茶科牲口乃至子女的书面契约凭据的总称。徽州文书的范围要比敦煌文书宽泛的多。徽州文书的抢救者刘伯山先生认为:“徽州文书是历史上的徽州人在其具体的社会生产、生活、发展与交往过程中为各自切身利益形成的原始凭据、字据和记录,内容涉及方方面面,极为广泛,且真实可靠,一般具有唯一性存在的特点。徽州文书是徽学这门学科得以成立的重要前提与条件,其大规模的发现被誉为是20世纪中国文献史上继甲骨文、汉晋简帛、敦煌文书、明清档案之后的第五大发现,不仅在徽学研究的领域意义重大,而且在历史学、社会学、文化学、文献学等领域都有重要的研究价值和意义。”但是刘伯山先生及现在的徽学研究专家,都是从社会学和文化学、文献学的角度来对文书进行研究,至今语言学方面,文书中丰富的量词,至今还未有人做过专门的研究,这于徽学研究是一缺失。 本文选取广西师范大学2009年出版的这套10卷本《徽州文书》中乾隆嘉庆年间的文书中的量词作为研究对象。因为这一时期是文书数量,在这套文书中是数量最多、范围和地区覆盖最广的。本文用excel将文献录入成网状式,然后对其中的量词做穷尽式分析与研究。从文书中量词作为切入点,以期填补徽州文书专书量词研究的空白。 本文共分四章: 第一章:绪论。介绍徽州的地理位置、历史沿革、徽州文书及其研究现状,说明本文的研究意义、研究方法及对文书资料的处理。 第二章:乾嘉时期《徽州文书》量词的描写。这部分将文书中的量词分为度制量词、量制量词、衡制量词、亩制量词、特殊量词和其他量词六部分来对文书中的量词做一详细的描写。 第三章:对这时期的文书中量词使用情况作分析,并探究其原因。 第四章:余论。
[Abstract]:Huizhou area is located in the southeastern part of Anhui Province. Jixi, Shexian County, Xiuning County, Yixian County, Qimen County, Wuyuan County, Anhui Xuancheng Jixi County, Huangshan Huizhou District, Huangshan Tunxi District, Huangshan Xiuning County, Huangshan Shexian County, etc., are located in the southeast of Anhui Province. Huangshan Yi County, Huangshan Qimen County and Wuyuan County, Jiangxi Province. With the unearthed Dunhuang documents, the "document" has become a proper noun, that is, "document" is the general name of the written contract evidence of the ancient folk buying and selling fields, real estate, Shantan Tea cattle and even their children. The scope of Huizhou documents is much broader than Dunhuang documents. According to Mr. Liu Boshan, the rescuer of Huizhou documents, "Huizhou documents are the original credentials, words and records formed by Huizhou people for their vital interests in the process of their specific social production, life, development and communication." The content involves all aspects, is extremely extensive, and is true and reliable, generally has the unique existence characteristic. Huizhou document is an important prerequisite and condition for the establishment of Huizhou study. Its large-scale discovery is praised as the fifth discovery after oracle bone inscriptions, Han and Jin bamboo silk, Dunhuang documents and Ming and Qing archives in the history of Chinese documents in the 20th century. It is of great significance not only in the field of Huizhou research, but also in the fields of history, sociology, culturology, philology and so on. " However, Mr. Liu Boshan and the current Huizhou research experts have studied the documents from the perspective of sociology, culturology and philology. Up to now, no one has done any special research on the abundant quantifiers in the documents. This is a lack of Huixue research. In this paper, the classifiers in the Qianlong Jiaqing period of the 10 volumes of Huizhou documents published by Guangxi normal University in 2009 are selected as the research objects. Because this period is the number of documents, in this set of instruments is the largest number, scope and regional coverage. In this paper, excel is used to input the literature into a mesh, and then the quantifiers are analyzed and studied. In order to fill the blank of the research of the special book classifiers in Huizhou, the quantifiers in the documents are taken as the starting point. This paper is divided into four chapters: the first chapter: introduction. This paper introduces the geographical location, historical evolution, Huizhou documents and their research status, and explains the significance, research methods and processing of the documents. The second chapter: the description of the quantifiers of Huizhou documents in Qianjia period. In this part, the classifiers in the document are divided into six parts: measure words, mu measure words, special classifiers and other classifiers to make a detailed description of the quantifiers in the document. The third chapter analyzes the use of classifiers in the documents of this period, and explores the reasons. Chapter IV: the rest of the theory.
[Abstract]:Huizhou area is located in the southeastern part of Anhui Province. Jixi, Shexian County, Xiuning County, Yixian County, Qimen County, Wuyuan County, Anhui Xuancheng Jixi County, Huangshan Huizhou District, Huangshan Tunxi District, Huangshan Xiuning County, Huangshan Shexian County, etc., are located in the southeast of Anhui Province. Huangshan Yi County, Huangshan Qimen County and Wuyuan County, Jiangxi Province. With the unearthed Dunhuang documents, the "document" has become a proper noun, that is, "document" is the general name of the written contract evidence of the ancient folk buying and selling fields, real estate, Shantan Tea cattle and even their children. The scope of Huizhou documents is much broader than Dunhuang documents. According to Mr. Liu Boshan, the rescuer of Huizhou documents, "Huizhou documents are the original credentials, words and records formed by Huizhou people for their vital interests in the process of their specific social production, life, development and communication." The content involves all aspects, is extremely extensive, and is true and reliable, generally has the unique existence characteristic. Huizhou document is an important prerequisite and condition for the establishment of Huizhou study. Its large-scale discovery is praised as the fifth discovery after oracle bone inscriptions, Han and Jin bamboo silk, Dunhuang documents and Ming and Qing archives in the history of Chinese documents in the 20th century. It is of great significance not only in the field of Huizhou research, but also in the fields of history, sociology, culturology, philology and so on. " However, Mr. Liu Boshan and the current Huizhou research experts have studied the documents from the perspective of sociology, culturology and philology. Up to now, no one has done any special research on the abundant quantifiers in the documents. This is a lack of Huixue research. In this paper, the classifiers in the Qianlong Jiaqing period of the 10 volumes of Huizhou documents published by Guangxi normal University in 2009 are selected as the research objects. Because this period is the number of documents, in this set of instruments is the largest number, scope and regional coverage. In this paper, excel is used to input the literature into a mesh, and then the quantifiers are analyzed and studied. In order to fill the blank of the research of the special book classifiers in Huizhou, the quantifiers in the documents are taken as the starting point. This paper is divided into four chapters: the first chapter: introduction. This paper introduces the geographical location, historical evolution, Huizhou documents and their research status, and explains the significance, research methods and processing of the documents. The second chapter: the description of the quantifiers of Huizhou documents in Qianjia period. In this part, the classifiers in the document are divided into six parts: measure words, mu measure words, special classifiers and other classifiers to make a detailed description of the quantifiers in the document. The third chapter analyzes the use of classifiers in the documents of this period, and explores the reasons. Chapter IV: the rest of the theory.
相关期刊论文 前4条
1 金福芬,陈国华;汉语量词的语法化[J];清华大学学报(哲学社会科学版);2002年S1期
2 苏e,