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talk shows 在 中国语言文字 分类中 的翻译结果

发布时间:2017-03-10 09:22








talk shows 在 中国语言文字 分类中 的翻译结果

talk shows

  • 谈话节目(27)

        Gender Differences in Conflict Management Strategies in Television Talk Shows: A Case Study



        The Contrastive Analysis of Conversation Structure between Chinese and American TV Talk Shows



        Furthermore, this dissertation mainly analyses the partial structure of the talk shows with the conclusion that the participants embody their own characteristics in the control of topics, turn of speech and the discourse from under the special context and in the other aspects.



        also intends to enrich CDA (Critical Discourse Analysis) theory by applying it to more institutional genres and broaden the scope of question studies, deepening people's understanding about the nature of questions and talk shows.




        A Discourse Analysis on Talk Shows



        Analyzing Genre: The Opening and the Ending of Chinese Talk Shows



        Questions and Power Relations in Talk Shows



        An Analysis of Structural Metaphor as Realization of Adaptability and Its Functioning in Chinese TV Talk Shows



        After that the present study continues to discuss the pragmatic motivations of employing discourse markers in talk shows and then further analyze their pragmatic functions in two sections: pragmatic connectivity and cognitive constraints.




    talk shows 在 中国语言文字 分类中 的翻译结果

    查询“talk shows”译词为用户自定义的双语例句


      talk shows

    Bob has spoken about swinging in numerous university classrooms and on radio talk shows and writes about it in popular media.


    Book Review: Freaks Talk Back: Tabloid Talk Shows and Sexual Nonconformity.


    Book Review Freaks Talk Back: Tabloid Talk Shows and Sexual Nonconformity.


    In addition, much of the information available to our patients and the lay public in general, is derived from latenight television talk shows providing only a limited understanding of the data that exist.


    We also encoded the talk shows sequences and the sports sequences to study how commercials effect the video characteristics.



    Discourse analysis is a new branch of linguistics. Applying the fundamental principles of discourse analysis, this paper analyzes talk shows from different aspects. And it also makes a detailed explanation of characteristics of the discourses that occurred under some particular situations with the theory of Birmingham school.

    《话语分析》是一门新兴的语言学学科。本文运用话语分析基本原理 ,从不同环节和角度分析访谈节目 ,并运用伯明翰学派话语分析模式 ,详细阐述特殊背景、特殊谈话群体和特殊谈话目的下对话过程的语言学特点。

    To form utterance style need the support of some relevant theories. This paper makes a study of the basis of linguistic theory from two sides. One is the condition and control of conversational topic, another is the influence that principle of utterance communication brings to the process forming utterance style. It especially has a comprehensive and deep analysis about the foundatino, core and individualities of the process forming utterance style. Language is not only a genuine description or an abstract statement,...

    To form utterance style need the support of some relevant theories. This paper makes a study of the basis of linguistic theory from two sides. One is the condition and control of conversational topic, another is the influence that principle of utterance communication brings to the process forming utterance style. It especially has a comprehensive and deep analysis about the foundatino, core and individualities of the process forming utterance style. Language is not only a genuine description or an abstract statement, but also a speech act of a speaker, as is the central to form utterance style in talk show.

    话语风格的形成需要相应的理论支持。本文从两个方面探讨说话节目风格形成的语言学基础 :一是交谈话题的存在形式及调控 ;二是谈话节目中的话语交际原则对风格形成的影响。其中特别对谈话节目中话语风格形成的基础、核心、要旨以及个性形成作了较为全面深入的分析。语言不仅仅是对实在的描述或是抽象的陈述 ,语言还是作为说话者的人的行为。这是谈话节目风格形成的核心。

    According to the differences of the functions of acts in different move, in general, the acts of host discourse of TV talk show can be classified into three types: initiation, response and follow-up. Initiation and response are the main types of acts in host discourse. The acts of Initiation consists of six types, i.e. address, complement, informative, question, request, suggestion. The Follow up consists of feedback, assist, comment, repeat. The study of the law of combination and its context of each...

    According to the differences of the functions of acts in different move, in general, the acts of host discourse of TV talk show can be classified into three types: initiation, response and follow-up. Initiation and response are the main types of acts in host discourse. The acts of Initiation consists of six types, i.e. address, complement, informative, question, request, suggestion. The Follow up consists of feedback, assist, comment, repeat. The study of the law of combination and its context of each act signifies much to host discourse analysis.



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