[Abstract]:The previous research on Shi Gulwen mainly focused on appreciation, imitation, calligraphy art, age, sequence and notes, but paid less attention to his language art. Through research and analysis, we find that the language art of Shi Gulwen has the following characteristics: first, the use of rhyme, the use of overlapping words to make the rhythm of the article harmonious; second, the use of Fu, Bi, Xing and other techniques of expression, so that the works complement each other; third, the comprehensive use of a variety of rhetorical devices, so that the description of the scene is vivid. In the sentence pattern is also flexible, statement, questions, questions and other cross-use, exudes a strong artistic charm of poetry. These characteristics make it have the artistic charm of language which can not be reached by the inscriptions at other times in the pre-Qin period.
【作者单位】: 福建师范大学文学院;
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